1. Moving in

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Olivia P.O.V.

"We're almost there." I look up from my phone and out of the window of the car. We drive past a school and into a neighborhood. My mom stops in front of the house. "This is it." My mom and dad go out of the car. I don't feel like following just yet. It's a tremendous change. Moving and all. To be honest I'm scared. I fear what the new class will think of me, and if I'll get any friends. I'm scared that I won't fit in and that I'll be a loner for the rest of high school.

I open the door and walk out of the car. I look up at the house and it's then that I notice how big it is. Right now, it looks like one of those houses in these horror movies. Dark and mysterious. I grab my bag and find my way to the door. The door is already open, my dad didn't bother to close it knowing I was coming in, and all the bags and boxes we need to get inside before it gets too late. The lights suddenly come on. There is some furniture in here, but that is the furniture that we bought with the house of the old owners. It makes it look like they still live here. I just want it all to go back to how it was before it all happened.

To fill you in, my sister got kidnapped in our old hometown. A couple of months later the police found her, or more like what was left of her. She had been tortured for weeks, misused, and was cut into pieces and spread all around town. They found her in pieces. I heard my mom talking to the police and they told her she was most likely alive when they tore her apart.

My mom had it worst, probably knowing it all, she was out of it for a long time. She still is in a way.

I isolated myself by locking myself inside my room for a long time, which I kind of still does. My dad took care of everything else. Mostly my mom, heard her cry a lot. I guess I was kind of forgotten in all the mess. My dad came up with the idea of moving. He thought it would be easier not to be in the house with all the memories. Besides, it would make it easier, to avoid all the sorry looks from our neighbors and friends. It just made it worse in a way.

We moved to get a new beginning, but I will never forget what happened. I don't think either one of us will. I mean they just lost a child, in a way two. I will never become who I once was. The worst part is knowing that she suffered and didn't die in an accident. She was probably scared, and in pain the whole time while we were just living our lives. I don't blame my parents for almost forgetting me, I was grateful. I got time for myself, and I can almost do whatever I want now. She was the favorite I know that much.

"I'll do my bed and try to get some sleep." My voice is kind of groggy, I haven't talked in a while. Us moving doesn't help me, because I will always remember us moving, which makes me think of the reason. The thought of what my sister must have gone through can make me cry for hours. I was so close to my sister. She was everything to me. She was a year older, and we were more like best friends than a sister. We were inseparable, or so I thought.

I have seen the blueprints of the house enough for me to know where my room is. It's up the stairs and to the right at the end of the hall. I got the view of the parking lot and the rest of the town, just like I wanted. The city lights are what make me calm these days.

My bed is already set up by the moving company. We paid them a little extra to set up the beds and kitchen. Knowing that we need to eat and sleep to be able to get the moving process over as fast as possible. It's also what we knew would be necessary when we got here because we knew we would get here late. "Here you go." My dad put a box on the floor. I open it and find the bedsheets as well as my comforter and pillow.

I put my phone to charge as I put on the bedsheets. I change into my nightwear as I go to bed. I try to sleep but end up thinking about how it will be starting at the new school. Will I get some friends? I isolated myself when my sister died, I slept badly and had a bunch of nightmares about how she must have had it in her last moments. I didn't want to talk to anyone and lost many of my friends. She was the one socializing. This is supposed to be a new beginning, right? Thinking of her would keep me up at night, but not today as I felt my eyelids growing heavier until I was fast asleep.

My classmate is a demon...Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon