"You can't say things like that." He gripped my doorway and I leaned against an armchair. His anger was misplaced.

"I'm not allowed to do much, am I?" I scowled and glared at U-jin. It wasn't his fault but I couldn't hide my disgust of his defense of the king.

"Things will get better if you let them." His face softened as he watched me. His sympathy was worse than his anger.

"Tell me when it's time for dinner." I went into my bedroom and slammed the door shut. I hoped he felt bad for what he was doing to me. I flopped onto my bed and pressed my sleeves to my eyes.

Better? Didn't he have any convincing lies?

I guess not.


U-jin didn't drag me to dinner. At least I had the dignity of walking on my own. Something the king didn't seem to think I was capable of. A few of the maids gave me sly smiles as they passed. Maybe I wouldn't be able to command much authority, but I had connections now and I wasn't quite so alone in this place. He was going to have to work harder to keep me trapped.

I wouldn't stop fighting until the moment he killed me.

No matter how afraid I really was.

U-jin moved in front of me and opened two large ornate, carved doors. I nodded at him and he gave me a cautious look of warning before I entered. He didn't want to pick up my pieces again. I could be silent. I could give him tonight.

Did every interaction between us have to end in fire?

The table was long and wooden and his seat was more like a throne than anything. It was even more extravagant than my father's seat and that was an impressive feat. My plate was on the far end of the table - that is to say, very far away from him. At least he wouldn't be able to touch me. I was closer to the door too. U-jin closed the door and I wondered what he would do if I came running back down.

"Are you going to sit?" King Kai's voice was long and drawn out, taunting. He was being cruel on purpose now. His loathing couldn't be masked anymore. Fine. I was hardly one to speak about concealing emotions.

I sat down and stared at the rice and meat in front of me. They smelled wonderful but I knew if I ate too much or too fast he would think I was letting my guard down. My drink could be poisoned. Not before the wedding. He promised. Not before the wedding.

I picked up my chopsticks and started attempting to break apart the sticky rice. It was completely useless and a waste of time. I took a small piece of beef and put it into my bowl of rice. I started digging a hole in the rice and buried it there.

"Do you like it?" His voice was menacing. I unburied the piece of beef and stuck in my mouth. It was amazing. I glared at him.

"It's different." Five more pieces then I would be done. I ate them at a slow pace, as if I could trick myself into thinking I was eating more. Every move he made radiated arrogance. Every time he reached for his goblet I imagined the contents spilling across him. Every time he took a bite of his food I imagined him choking on it.

I ate my six pieces then put down my chopsticks and crossed my hands in my lap. I studied the small flowers hidden in the design of my dress. I felt his gaze on me and knew he could see straight through me.

"You've had a long day. It's hard to believe you've lost your appetite already." I looked up at him, he was all the way across the room, yet I could see his glare perfectly. I put my elbow on the table and rested my face in my palm - something my father would have scolded me for.

"It has been a long day. It's hard planning a wedding when you're locked in your room." I shot him a glare and he put down his chopsticks. For a moment I wondered if he would get up, but he stayed seated and stared off for a moment, directing his anger at a nearby window. He looked back at me with just as much ferocity.

"Funny, you didn't refer to it as a wedding to U-jin earlier today." Rat! I should have known U-jin would squeal on everything I told him. You shouldn't say things like that. What a complete suck-up! I looked over at him and rolled my eyes. He was going to kill me either way.

"Oops." I bit my lip and stared over at the window he had been glaring at. "An easy mistake to make."

Kai made a low, growling sound beneath his breath and I looked over at him. There was something dangerous in his eyes. I took my elbow off the table and sat up straighter. He didn't seem to be calming down. He took a deep breath, then on an impulse move threw his bowl of rice against the wall, shattering it. I jumped in my seat and knocked over a bowl of kimchi. That also shattered.

"What are you even doing here?!" He stood up and slammed his hands on the table, I flinched at the impact. I needed to get out of this room. I couldn't make him think I was running though. I stood up and threw my rice bowl on the ground.

"You think I want to be here?!" I shouted back. He started walking towards me and I turned around and ripped the door open. U-jin jumped in surprise.

"I want to go." I muttered. King Kai grabbed my arms and turned me around to face him.

"Is your goal to ruin everything?" I focused on the design on his lapels. I hoped he couldn't see my fear. I looked up at him and all his ever-present rage.

"You have no control, do you?" I tried to push him off of me, but I wasn't nearly strong enough.

"You don't know me." He continued to hold onto me and I forced myself to look into his eyes.

"I know enough." I struggled to hold eye contact with him. He barely blinked and his intensity never seemed to fade as he held my gaze in place. Finally he grunted and let go of me. He started walking away then turned back to face me as if he was going to say something. He seemed to bluster with fury, he raised his hand and I flinched. This seemed to make him even more frustrated. He turned and ran off.

"You just don't know when to stop do you?" U-jin sighed and gestured for me to start walking back to my room.

"Apparently not." I sighed and started walking back towards my room.

Why did he have to be so unbearable?! 

King of the Darkest Stars (EXO Kai ff)Where stories live. Discover now