Chapter IX: Fading astrolabe

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*Y/N's POV*

As we agreed with Jean, me, Mona and Amber are going to Falcon Beach, it is not that far from Mondstadt but since we're definitely spending the night there we gotta prepare.

I had it the most easy... I just took a cooking pot and some ingredients since I'm the only one who can cook at least a little consumable food. Amber always forgets there's the other side or she gets distracted easily so the food is burnt. Mona... probably never even cooked judging from how much money she has... or rather doesn't have.

We agreed to meet at the entrance gate, I was there first and Amber soon after.

She had her bow and quiver full with arrows... two of them. She also had a handbag with sleeping bags inside that she gave me so she can have free hands when time to protect this little journey comes.

Last we waited for the astrologist herself... who appeared as last.

She was carrying a huge bag with telescope and some sextants and other stuff... I could see a sweat coming down her face, her legs trembled under the weight as she collapsed.

Amber: "Uhm... she took too much stuff?"

You: "That... or she's weak in the physical side."

Amber: "Hmm.. and I can't carry it if I will need to protect you."

You: "I'll take it." I tried to lift her bag but... it was really heavy.

Mona: "Oh hey Y/N."

You: "Hey... why is it so heavy, what are you carrying."

Mona: "The telescope."

Amber: "But that alone is carriable."

You: "Agreed... so Mona?"

Mona: "Mind your business... I'll carry it myself."

You: "You didn't even do 50 steps from home and you're already at the brink of death. Amber, help me search it."

Mona: "That's not necessary!"

You: "Mona!" She just rolled her eyes as a sign she gave up... so me and Amber had a look inside the bag... there indeed was a telescope but also some books... and they were really heavy. Those sextants too and some star charts...

Amber: "Why do you need those books?"

You: "And those star charts... I thought-"

Mona: "Because of the constellation that star is from.."

Amber: "I see... but... couldn't you put it to two bags?"

Mona: "No... hey let's stop with this."

Suddenly a whirlpool appeared beneath the bag as it submerged.

Amber: "What happened?"

Mona: "I just put the bag into my interdimensional storage."

You: "And why didn't you do that in the first place?"

Mona: "Uhh... I.. forgot I can actually do that."

You: "You forgot? Seriously?"

Mona: "Hey! I haven't used that in a while, there was no need for it."

Amber: "Okay, okay, just let's go."

You: "Right." And so we got on the way.

We passed through Windrise where trouble awaited us. There actually was a band of at least 50 Treasure Hoarders.

Hold on... how would they know we'd pass through here... or is this just some kind of confidence? Are the stars aligned against us?

Fate in Stars: Male Reader x Genshin ImpactWhere stories live. Discover now