Chapter VI: Merchant business

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*Y/N's POV*

I took a few rare relics from the secret place and put it into my bag. After we ascended to the surface we got on our way to Mondstadt, we stopped at Wangshu Inn and then continued.

Strange was I couldn't get a word out of Mona. She was being quiet ever since she took those star charts, as if she wasn't present-minded but more like her mind stayed in the secret place.

I tried tapping her but that did nothing. The waiters at Wangshu Inn were waiting for her answer on what she'd like to eat or drink but that answer never came.

We arrived to Stone Gate, I could already smell the scent of Dandelion Wine. I stopped Mona in her tracks and made her sit down.

You: "Mona, snap out of it." She did nothing. She was in some kind of transe or mind controlled but the latter is very unlikely.

I waved my hand in front of her, even pinched her but none of it worked.

You: "Seriously what have you seen in that star chart."

She was yet again quiet.

You: "Guess I'll try the talking later." Then a familiar voice was heard, it was voice from Mondstadt and it belonged to Lisa.

Lisa: "Ah cutie, you're back fast, and I see you're in a company of another woman, are you cheating on me cutie."

You: "First of all I'm not cheating on you Lisa, we'd have to date in the first place for me to do that to you and second, Mona over there just accompanied me out of her own will and she was pretty persuasive. And what do you want?"

Lisa: "Oh I was wondering if you sell something."

You: "I do but you know me, no setting up shop outside cities, especially not Stone Gate. You'll have to wait until I get to Mondstadt amd I don't know how long that will take because of Ms. Astrologer here."

Lisa: "I see what you mean, maybe I could help you."

You: "How."

Lisa: "Oh you'll see~"

You: 'What even are you doing here by yourself?"

Lisa: "What do you mean?"

You: "I mean you're always shut away in your books in the library. It's actually pretty rare to see you outside the library."

Lisa: "Well hun~ Everyone needs a portion of fresh air from time to time."

You: "Hmm I see, but even so Stone Gate is pretty far away considering you don't walk much."

Lisa: "Hahaha, very funny. Are you telling me I can't walk? That would mean you insulted me. Might I remind you that electroshock therapy is quite great for your brain."

You: "Not that much when you'd be the one doing it."

Lisa: "I'll act as if I didn't hear that... now do you want her to come back to her senses?"

You: "Yes I would appreciate that very much."

Lisa: "Good."

She created a dust out of nowhere and then blew the dust towards Mona who seemed to have inhaled it. But it at least woke her up.

Mona: "W-Whaaa?!! Where am I? H-How did I get here?"

You: "Thank you Lisa, now then welcome back to reality Mona."

Mona: "What? Y/N? What do you mean?"

You: "You've been spacing out ever since we left the secret place, seriously I couldn't get a word out of you oh and by the way we're in Stone Gate."

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