Chapter 19

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"What the hell is wrong with you!" The man screamed kicking Peter onto the floor. "If I tell you to do something you do it okay!" Peter nodded, silent tears running down his face. He was sick of the pain the constant torture. He just wanted I to be over. He just wanted to die.

The man kicked him and punched him over and over again. Blood flew everywhere.






















Peter braced himself for the next kick but instead he felt a weight lift off of him as the man flew backwards.

"Get the fuck away from my son" Tony's voice filled the room. It was almost silent, barely above a whisper but the angry was clear. He heard the sound of punching and grunting. He cracked open an eyelid to see. Tony punching the shit out of the man who had hurt him for so long. he didn't feel anything. He should've felt happy or relieved. Maybe even pain from his injuries but he felt nothing. Black spots appeared in his vision and he passed out.

Third Person POV

Tony charged through the door seeing the man screaming insults and kicking Peter. Peter wasn't even trying to defend himself. He was soaked in blood, bruises and cuts all over his body. Rage coursed through his veins as he charged at the man throwing him off of Peter. The man launched backwards slamming into the wall.

"Don't ever touch him again" A fist of iron formed around his hand and he punched the man repeatedly over and over again. He screamed profanities at the man before he felt a hand on his shoulder. He tried to pull away but the hand was firm and he eventually pulled off the man. He hadn't realized he was crying until he wiped his face to feel tears. He turned to look at Peter seeing him surrounded by Avengers with Bruce trying to tend to his wounds.

As Tony rushed over to his son Stephen stared down at the man beneath him. A look of disgust crossed over his face.

"I would beat you to death, but I don't feel like getting an infection today" Stephen stated calmly before walking over to the boy on the ground.

The group cleared out to let the doctor through and after he had taken care of the worst of Peter's injuries he opened a portal and took the boy wrapped in his cloak straight into the med bay closing the portal after Tony and Bruce had followed.


They had found him! Finally they had found his precious boy. He sat next to the sleeping boy holding his hand in between both of his. Tubes came out of his mouth and arms and he was wrapped head to toe in bandages. Thanks to his enhanced healing he wasn't hurting too much, Although he was deathly pale and his hands were freezing cold. He gently brushed the curls stuck to his forehead out of his eyes and placed a light kiss on his forehead before relaxing back into his chair. 

Stephen watched his husband from outside the room a smile lighting up his whole face. He was a great man and an even greater dad. the love was evident on the smaller mans face as he held on to the young boy. He was at peace.


It had been five hours since they had found the boy and he still hadn't woken up. Tony had fallen asleep a few hours ago and was slumped in his chair still grasping Peter's hand. Bruce pushed a second bed into the small room and Stephen lifted Tony up placing him into it whilst being careful not to wake either up. 


Tony opened his eyes, forgetting where he was for a second. He felt pressure in his hand and saw a smaller one sitting in it. He looked at his sleeping son lying beside him and frowned to himself. twelve hours and there still hadn't been any change in Peter's state. He gently released Peter's hand before standing up and pacing around the room, shooting worried glances at the resting boy.


Wade pushed the door of the room open slowly and entered followed by a worried Sam. The two approached the boy's bed and sat down in the seats next to his bed. The two sat there in silence watching the boy.


They found Peter! Hopefully he wakes up soon. Next chapter will be back at school!

Hope you enjoyed! Love ya'll <3

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