Chapter 5

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Finally the end of the day. He rushed out of the classroom with Sam at his side. They were excited for their internship. Together they sprinted down the hallways as they rushed to get to stark towers.

Suddenly a familiar figure stood before them. Flash.

"Just go" Peter mouthed at Sam "I'll meet you there. Sam nodded before continuing to run off to Stark towers.

"Where are you and lover girl in such a rush to get to?" Flash jeered with his fists already clenched. Peter just glared back at him. He wasn't taking any of Flash's bullshit today. He couldn't be late.

Suddenly Flash lashed out at Peter, aiming at the side of his head. Peter fake collapsed on the floor knowing full well that if he hadn't been faking flash would be half dead by now.

"What the hell, Flash!" Peter shouted at him still on the floor. All his books had spilt everywhere and blood was dripping out of his nose.

"Petey! Omg Petey?" A voice shouted rushing over to Peter's side. The new person lifted Peter up putting one his arms around the smaller boy to keep him upright. He sent a death glare at Flash clear anger and rage built inside of him. Flash gulped before turning and running off.

"Umm thanks I guess" Peter muttered not looking at his rescuer. "Your welcome" the stranger replied his arm still around peter. "I'm wade by the way" Wade said.

"Peter" Peter said. Wade laughed "see you around Spidey" he said before skipping off.

Peter stood there stock still frozen in shock. How did he know who he was? He was this guy? He looked down at his watch. "Oh shit!" He muttered. He was going to be late.


Thank you for reading part 5. I hope you enjoyed.

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