1: Here We Go Again...

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[a/n; welcome back to the shit show :)]

Summer was thick in the air, as it seemed to be the entirety of these three months. There was a slight mugginess hanging in the atmosphere, blue skies painted with delicate clouds -- wispy and light. Contentment and peace fell over the state of Jersey once more, as summer drew to an end at long last...

Frank was in the midst of giggling, the open window of Gerard's bedroom letting blueberry skies and gentle breezes wisp the curtains around. The former was on top of the latter, an onslaught of laughter tumbling from both their grinning lips as they rolled around on the mattress.

"Frank, stop-- stop," Gerard finally snorted, half-heartedly batting at the mentioned's chest. "I've go to finish packing."

"Mmm," Frank hummed distractedly, not quite listening. The comforter rumpled beneath their movement, Frank's hands pausing from where they'd been trying to pin Gerard down. Frank hadn't known how a little break from packing had turned into a play fight -- but it had, and his chest was heaving the tiniest bit as he grinned crookedly. "I don't want you to go yet."

"We've still got three days," Gerard replied, the two finally stilling completely. Frank's hands had dropped to the former's sides, his expression gentle just like the breeze flitting in. "And we'll make the most of it once I finish packing."

"If you don't pack, then you'll never have to leave," Frank rationed, flopping onto his back beside his lover. "I just wanna lay here with you all day..."

"Hm," Gerard hummed a bit, propping himself onto his elbow and popping a quick kiss onto Frank's lips. "After this, I promise."

Frank sighed a little bit, letting his hair fall into his face. It had grown a bit long over the summer, falling in dark strands -- yet still holding its shape of a somewhat half-assed fringe. "Maybe I should just stow away with you," He offered jokingly. "I'm sure I could fit in a box, or something."

The suggestion made Gerard laugh, a tiny smile on his lips as he settled back onto his own back. The breeze kept brushing smoothly, and oh-so-gently across the two boys -- Gerard's shirt rumpling a bit beneath the wind. "Unfortunately, I don't think that'd work."

Frank pouted his lip, letting his head loll back onto the pillow, sighing dramatically. He stared up at the off-white popcorn scattered along the ceiling, his hands folded across his stomach. It was silent for a long stretch of moments, Gerard's thumbs fiddling as his socked feet rocked back and forth.

The silence almost seemed like a bit too much, easing on feeling out of place until Frank let out a loud snort. He was collapsing into laughter out of nowhere, tossing Gerard into his own fit -- although he had no idea what they were laughing about.

"What?" He finally asked through chuckles, propping onto his elbow to face Frank. Frank only laughed harder, turning away through reddened cheeks. "What, Frank?" Gerard asked through more laughter.

"Nothing, nothing," Frank managed to answer, grinning like a doofus. "I just love you. You're so fuckin' great."

"Oh my god," Gerard replied, letting out a little mixture between a scoff and a chortle. "You're a doofus."

Frank's grin only grew more crooked at that, sitting up until he was flat on his bottom again -- tugging Gerard up with him until they were falling fluidly into a warm hug. "I'm your doofus," Frank added from over Gerard's shoulder, turning to press a few quick kisses to the latter's cheek. "I'm your 'wittle baby boy." He joked in a tiny voice.

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