My Gamer

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Preston's POV:
Nathan and I cuddled. A nurse came in and said I had to wait 2 days to leave the hospital.

An hour passed...

Gabe and James visit us for a few hours. They gave me a Nintendo Switch! "We figured you'd be bored with no devices so we got you that." Gabe smiled. Nathan hugs Gabe. I hold Nathan's hand and smile. He smiles too.
I love the warmth of Nathan's hand, holding my freezing hands to make them warm.
Nathan had to leave me but he crawled under the bed and hid there until the lights turned off.
"Good night, Preston!" the nurse said. "Night!" I smiled. I rested my head on the pillow. Nathan comes out from under the bed. He takes off his cap and places it on the nightstand beside the bed. He kisses my cheek and lays his head on my shoulder. I turn to face him. I kiss his head and sleep.
At 4 am...
Nathan's POV:
I heard Preston sighing. I turn around but pretend to sleep. I started getting worried about when I heard him crying.
I sat up and grabbed the Switch. I set it up and rested my head on Preston's shoulder. He looks down at me, tears in his eyes. I hand him the fully set up Nintendo Switch. He lays down. I do the same. He gives me a blank look. "Do you know how to use one of these?" he whispers. I giggle, quietly. "Give it here you nub." I said, smiling. Preston holds my hand. He watches me play Animal Crossing.
Around 6 am, I felt something under my back. I felt something square, pinching my skin.
Then it snapped...
I screamed in pain. Preston woke up immediately. Preston checked my back. He removed my hand from where I was touching it. "NATHAN YOU'RE BLEEDING SO MUCH!" Preston exclaimed. I grabbed my cap and ran to the bathroom.

My Gamer - Preston X Unspeakable Where stories live. Discover now