13; Hint of Jealousy

Start from the beginning

“You are such a whore, going after both men and women”  Xiao Zhan aforesaid.

"Keeps me busy" Zhucheng only shrugged with his shoulders.

After having a stupendous lunch, the three men walked out of the restaurant with a whimpering Zhucheng on how he ate more than he should.

“I couldn’t stop myself since the food was free” the bastard had smirked before getting on the back seat of the car. Xiao zhan shook his head as he pulled the front seat door open, only to be held back by a gentle hand on his forehand. Xiao Zhan adverted his gaze and they landed on the waiter from earlier.

The young waiter gave an apologtic smile as he slowly let go of Xiao Zhan arm. “I wanted to apologise for earlier” he scratched the back of his head afluttered, giving Zhan a shy smile.

“No harm done. I should apologise instead, you were dismissed rudely” Xiao Zhan enunciated.

The young waiter then held his cell out from his apron and stretched it out for Xiao Zhan. “I don’t know but I hope you can give me a chance, let’s have clambake together sometimes, if you like” he stared at Xiao Zhan, his grey eyes sparkling with bullishness.

Xiao zhan beamed a little, he couldn’t remember the last time a guy found him attractive to ask him out. One dinner wouldn’t hurt anyone. Xiao zhan shrugged with his shoulder, he held his hand out and was about to take hold of the phone when a arm suddenly enwreathed around his tiny waist, pulling him backwards, preventing him from taking the phone. Xiao Zhan’s mouth parted slightly in shock as he turned his head to find Wang Yibo with noxious look. Xiao zhan gulped at sight as he found the other man extremely sexy with that look.

Wang Yibo turned his attention to the main target who could no longer find his voice. Wang Yibo beared his teethd out, showing off his sharp canines like a werewolf, who was possessive of his mate.

“He’s mine! Back off if you wish to regret it afterwards” Wang Yibo kept his voice low and pestilential, making those present at the scene quiver in despair. With that, he forcefully opend the car door and helped his baby mama into it before sprinting to the other side of the car and made his way in and drove out of the parking lot, decamping the poor waiter standing there with shock and a heavy heart.


The car ride was a quite and mortifying one, to the point a pin drop could be heard. Even a chatty like Zhucheng was nonvocal as he was roofed in the back of the car, staring at the two individuals at the front with a quite look, obversing them one at a time. Looking over to his friends, Xiao Zhan had his face towards the window, his hands folded on his labs, rubbing his two thumbs together, which he normally did when he was demured. Looking closely, he obviously didn’t fail to notice the light blush playing on his cheek. Zhucheng chuckled inwardly while his physical appearance presented a grin. Seemed like poor Xiao Zhan was slowly falling already. Then, Zhucheng shifted his gaze to the grim man and his eyebrows came together as he frowned. He shifted his body forward a little bit, staring at Wang Yibo closely but the flinty man only had an impassive face. Zhucheng arched an eyebrow.

Was this man made of stones, how could he be so calm after creating that scene he did earlier, claiming his friend as his boldly, without vacillation.

This man really had the nerve. Zhucheng thought, resting his back on the seat again. Luckily, Xiao Zhan was already falling. He could only wish them a happy ending ahead.

“Get Down!” The husky voice pulled Zhucheng back from his oblivion. He blinked before taking in his surroundings and his mouth made an O shape as he realized the car was now parked at the front of his apartment. But that didn't mean he would get down already.

“Can you be a little nicer, Mr Wang” he came beside the other man’s ear.

“Am not obligated to. Get Lost!”

Zhucheng rolled his eyes theatrically. “Whatever, just make sure to control your shitty attitude when you are with my friend. I won’t spare you if I find him in the hospital again because of you!” he palmed Xiao Zhan on the shoulder encouragingly before stepping out of the car and the car speed off as soon as he was out.

“So rude!” Zhucheng huffed, storming his foot on the ground like a girl.


“Where are we going?” Xiao Zhan decided to break the pricing silence as he couldn't take it any longer, turning this head to the direction of the other man behind the wheels, driving the car speedy with ease as if he had a hundred years of experience.

“Grocery shopping” Wang Yibo answered causally without taking off his eyes off the road. “You can’t be eating junk food always. You need something healthy”

Xiao zhan could only nod as the man finished talking, but he couldn't help but stare at the man presenting a sexy and dangerous vide while being behind the wheels. Xiao zhan was now a blushing mess as he played with the hem of his sweater, stealing another glimpse of Wang Yibo who suddenly ruffled his hair backwards with his left hand while the other one remained at the wheel.

So hot.

Xiao zhan immediately shifted his gaze away as he suddenly felt hot even with a AC in the car. Warmth raged from his body, his toes making a tingling sensation as he clenched his thighs together tighteningly, his palms pressed together with his eyes shut and his back lazily rested on the seat as he tried to calm his elevating hormones. He bought a hand over his chest trying soothe whatever he was feeling.

What was going on with him?, what was Wang Yibo doing to him for him to have such affect on his body? So unbelievable...!

“Are you Okay?” a husky and firm voice grilled beside his ear. Xiao zhan opened his eyes to find the other man hovering over him from his side of the car.

When did the car stopped moving....?

Xiao Zhan’s breathe got caught in his throat, feeling Wang Yibo’s warm breathe fanning against his face. If any of them moved, they would end up kissing. Well, that wasn’t completely a bad idea.

Xiao zhan cogitated and he mentally slapped himself for having such inappropriate thoughts.

“Breathe” Wang Yibo ordered softly, when he notice that the other had suddenly held back his breathings. And almost immediately, Xiao Zhan obeyed, letting out a breathe he was holding when Wang Yibo shifted backwards a little, giving him some breathing space.

“I think you should just stay in the car, you don’t look too good. I will go get everything and come back shortly” Wang Yibo kissed his forehead before slamming the door shut and walked away, Xiao Zhan’s eyes tracing him till he was out of sight. Xiao zhan could only sigh in relief.

Wang Yibo was going to be the death of him.

After a few minutes, Xiao Zhan got bore of waiting for Wang Yibo, he took out his phone and got engrossed in a game but that was short lived when a knock came from his window. Putting down the glass, he turned to see who it was but his eyes only widened in horror as he stared unblinkingly at the other soul standing outside his window.

“Li Cheng?!”

Okay, that's all for now. Kindly, ignore the errors.

First of all, I wanna say thank you all for the support you have been showing so far. Your comments are my only motivation to continue because, if it was up to me, I would have stopped writing because I ran out of ideas 😁😁.

Second, does anyone have an idea on who Li Cheng is, please share your thoughts in the comments box because he would have a very huge role to play.

See y'all later in the next chapter where we would have a taste of craziness.

Happy Reading...!

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