Chapter 3

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The loud bell above the door screams again. Every time somebody enters I always wish it was Ben. I know I said that I didn't like him too much; that I wanted him to fuck off..

Well I was wrong!

Maybe it is because I do not have that many friends so I'm clinging onto anything remotely close to one. Or maybe I just want to feel as happy as I felt last night. Ben and I stayed up until 1 in the morning drinking; I would have stayed up later but my shift at work starts at 8 so I had to get some rest for this draining job. Actually, I wasn't drinking. Like a gentleman, Ben walked me home to ensure I arrived safely. Like a gentleman, he kissed my hand and smiled. That smile, it is so contagious. When he grins I cannot help myself but do the same. Personally, I think the smile is the perfect feature of a person. Even if it is for an instant, a smile is an uplifting feeling and show of charm. A smile is a silent secret language that shares trust and emotion.

Sighing heavily, I noted how quiet the store was - as always - before heading out the back to make a coffee. Jake - some lad I worked with - would kindly cover my shift whilst I nipped out. It's not like anything would happen when I was gone. I'm surprised several people were even employed to work here; nobody comes in so nothing needs sorting or changing. I sometimes reorganise the shelves if I am seriously bored and my mobile is charging its battery after wasting hours of playing pointless games on it.

"Jamieeeee?" Jake chimed from the front of the shop.

"Yeah?" I replied before taking a slurp of the fresh beverage.

"Come 'ere" he spoke in his Mancunican accent. Groaning, I stomped out of the room towards the front desk. Do I ever get a fucking break?

"Oh.. Hey Ben" I beamed instantly turning more cheerful.

"I need help to find something new to listen to. Help me?"winked Ben, pouting slightly. Jake raised his right eyebrow as I blushed red as a tomato. I nodded, suddenly too nervous to speak.

"So what genre?" I questioned after a moment, trying to keep my cool. He was dressed in black skinnies with his knees poking through and a black zipped-up hoodie.

"Whatever" he chucked. "This was just an excuse to talk to you really".

"Oh!" My cheeks were on fire.

"Sooo..." He awkwardly smiled, "do you wanna come round mine later. Just me and you. I want to show you something".

"Mysterious" I giggled. "Sure. I finish at 6".

"Hey Jamie, you can go now I you want. It's not like we are busy. I'll cover you" yelled Jake, obviously listening to our supposed-to-be private conversation.

"Thanks" I returned, slightly pissed. He winked, clearly thinking there was something happening between me and this boy whom I have just met. Grabbing my leather jacket from the office, Ben and I headed out of the store hand in hand. I felt comfortable. I could get used to this, I thought I as we stroll through the slightly busy streets just after lunchtime.

Breathing and Grasping (Ben Bruce)Where stories live. Discover now