4 - What Happens to Lords

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"Next!" Zane called from his grand chair at the front of the church. It was raised on a platform, so the faithful would be able to see him, and decorated in gold ornaments. The High Priest forbade the term "throne", saying he would never impose on his father, Lord Ro'Meave, or his elder brother, heir to O'Khasis. That didn't stop those loyal to him from saying it. Katelyn much preferred the name "time out chair."

The Jury of Nine was dispersed across the walls for maximum security. Five of them were off on a mission, off somewhere in Ru'aun causing trouble. They did it under the guise of order, taking over villages in the name of Lady Irene. Of course, they could hold no real power in outside villages, but the lords did not want to risk the wrath of O'Khasis.

Ivy and Jeffory were stationed on the right side of the church, eyes scanning the perimeter, constantly alert. Katelyn was alone on the left side, but she didn't mind. She was the second strongest of the Jurors, bested only by Janus and his ruthlessness. Janus the Silver Death was unburdened by empathy. He did what needed to be done with no hesitation - he was even a little eager for it. Katelyn couldn't do that. The only reason she was part of the Jury was because her brothers would be dead if she wasn't.

"So," Zane said, his lips curling in the sneer of someone who knows they've won. "What will it be?"

Katelyn was breathing heavily, barely keeping the tears at bay. She could feel the beginning of a panic attack coming on, but she couldn't very well hyperventilate in front of the High Priest.

She ordered herself to stop.

That was the first time.

After she'd bargained for her brothers' lives, she'd learned restraint. It was painful, so, so painful, but she learned how to suppress her emotions. She stopped showing weakness. Her anger at Zane was taken out on his enemies. So he'd given her the name Fire Fist. Her punch could scorch you, the villagers said, but her personality is of ice.

Katelyn had served as a Juror for five years now. It took a long time to stop feeling the guilt, but she had done it. She had come so close to being emotionless and guiltless and ruthless. Only Jeffory held her to her humanity.

She caught his gaze. He winked, then turned away quickly. Katelyn felt the familiar feeling tumble in her stomach, but her face was complacent as ever. Attachments had only proven to be a weakness. Janus would have removed all attachments, if he'd ever had any. Katelyn just knew to hide them better than a body.

Janus was kneeling before Zane, his double edged sword laying heavily across his shoulders. "My lord," he said.

Zane waved it away, a smirk showing through his calm demeanor. "What news do you have of our little situation?"

The Juror stood up, his mask of reverence replaced by a twisted grin. "Lord Burt of Bright Port has been secured. He is in our Pikoro stronghold, awaiting a ritual from our captive Shadow Knight. Lord Luke has proved more difficult to capture, due to his village's distrust of everything and high security. We have a plan to secure him in the next week without fail."

Lord Burt. Pikoro, Katelyn noted. She wouldn't forget.

"Good, good. Everything is according to plan. Jeffory, you will be dispatched to Pikoro to oversee the ritual. Katelyn?"

Katelyn bowed deeply, then approached Zane, High Priest of O'Khasis. "M'lord."

"What news on the Meteli front?"

"Not much to report. The election has made little progress. One of the candidates, Castor, has dropped out. He wasn't much of a threat to begin with, due to . . . A mental illness. The people of Meteli believe him to be delusional." Zane didn't need to know about the Chicken Shaman's magicks. "He will be retiring to the swamp and out of our way. The race is between Hayden and Kenmur." As much as it pained her, Katelyn continued, "It was a smart move to have Joh eliminated. Meteli has been thrown into chaos and disorder without a proper lord, and the candidates cannot reach a decision of what to do. It will last another week, until the votes are cast. Whoever wins, they will not be prepared for the O'Khasis army."

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