3 - A Game of Politics

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Unlike most of the lords, Cadenza absolutely adored the political meetings. The issues of the village were just puzzles, and the solutions always fit together in her head perfectly. She had been beyond excited when her father told her he was joining the race for a new lord. He'd consulted her whenever there was a bump in the road with the campaign, and he'd promised she would be his chief advisor if he was elected. Cadenza had never been happier.

Meteli was unlike the rest of the villages when it came to lords. Whenever one died, they held an election for a new one. This method had kept their village thriving with diplomatic leaders, where other villages had fallen because of stupid decisions.

Cadenza loved her village and her traditions. It had served her well for years, and politics were her way of paying it back. When she was five, her home had burned down. Meteli was the nearest village, and they had taken in the survivors without hesitation. Cadenza's adoptive father was the kindest man in the world it seemed, and he shared her passion for making it a better place.

She remembered her best friend teasing her for it. He'd made a face and said, "All hail Cadenza, queen of the universe, bossy lady supreme."

And indeed, she had been a bossy child. But instead of scolding her for it, Hayden, her new father, had sat her in his lap and said, "Never lose that fire. It is a gift from Irene. She has blessed you, may she rest in peace. Use her gift and do wonderful things in the world."

And she had. Since she was five years old and new in the haven that was Meteli, Cadenza had been the best person she could possible be. She believed it was the gods' favor that had kept her alive when her home village had burned. Only four others among the thirty villagers had made it out.

However, it was very difficult to remain patient when talking to the Chicken Shaman.

He was waving his hands around in wild motions, his strange suit on full display. "-so you see, I am a perfectly valid candidate for lordship of this incredible village."

"Castor," Hayden began gently, "you don't even live in Meteli. Are you sure the people would even vote for you?"

The Chicken Shaman was indignant. "What? Of course they'll vote for me! I don't see why anyone would vote for either of you two boring people," he muttered.

Kenmur tried next. "Ah, well, the candidates are supposed to be well known amongst the community. I'm an inventor and an activist. Hayden has been an advisor to Joh for over a decade. You . . . Well, you deal in magicks and live in the swamp."

"How rude! The youth these days. I have never been so offended. What I do is not magicks. It is an ancient craft, honed by my father and his father before him, of alchemy and chickens!"

Cadenza coughed. "Castor, I'm sure you would make a splendid leader for Meteli, but what the people need right now is someone more stable, who can keep the village safe."

"Have you no faith in my potions? They are one hundred percent guaranteed to work half of the time, depending on the weather and the exact shade of green the grass is."

"I may not be an alchemist but I am sure that is not how statistics work," Kenmur said, losing his patience.

"Really, aren't you happier out in the swamp? It's much safer for your chickens. No butchers," Cadenza whispered conspiratorially.

"Butchers! Ah. Well. Perhaps I should reconsider."

"And you know the people. They don't truly understand the . . . The intelligence of chickens. Biased, but it will take years to sway them." She didn't mention that everyone suspected Castor of murder. When the late Lord Joh had been found dead in his bed with a chicken feather, it seemed the evidence was irrefutable.

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