"I am Jedi Master (Y/n) Galad, Duchess. I am accompanying Master Kenobi on this mission." (Y/n) said, answering for herself. Satine did not utter another word to the elf, simply looking back towards Obi-Wan, who cleared his throat and continued speaking.

"I know these commandos fought in many wars, often against the Jedi."

"Every one of my people is as trustworthy as I am." Satine claimed.

"I know we sound defensive, but-" the man to Satine's left, Tal Merrik, tried, but she interrupted him, but not before shooting him a very slight glare which did not go unnoticed by (Y/n).

"Clearly your investigation was ordered because the Senate is eager to intervene in our affairs!"

(Y/n) believed the woman to be extremely quick to jump to conclusions that would make the Senate look like it was trying to take over the neutral systems.

"Our investigation was ordered by the Jedi Council." Obi-Wan said, emphasizing that it was not the Senate.

"I stand corrected." Satine said, calming some. She glanced at the elf before looking back at Obi-Wan, saying, "General Kenobi, perhaps you'd like to join me on a walk through the city."

The Duchess held out her hand for Obi-Wan before he even moved, in a way that said 'do it', not dropping it until Obi strode forward and took her hand, 'helping' her up out of her throne. He let go once she was up, but they moved to where she had her hand around his arm, Obi-Wan leading them out. (Y/n) tried to ignore the burning feelings of jealousy that raged inside her like a fire, reminding herself that jealousy was not the Jedi way.

Then again, having feelings such as hers wasn't either.

"Wait, what of my companion?" Obi-Wan asked, stopping Satine before they left. The royal seemed a little frustrated at the mention of the elf, who stood by the Prime Minister still.

"Prime Minister Almec, would you care to take our Jedi friend on a tour of the castle?" Satine asked, her voice full of feigned sweetness.

"Of course, my lady." Almec said as the two left for their city walk. Almec turned to (Y/n), saying, "Come, there are many wonders in the Duchess's palace to behold."

"Oh, I bet there are." (Y/n) muttered as the Prime Minister led her through the castle.


After statues, paintings, and grand hallways, (Y/n) was beginning to become antsy, wishing to be back in Obi-Wan's presence. Almec was showing the elf yet another painting of the Duchess Satine, when (Y/n) spoke up.

"Pardon me, Prime Minister, but would it be of any trouble if I went to find my companion?" she asked.

"Of course not, Master Jedi. Guard!" Almec called, and one of the guards came rushing forward. "Where is the Duchess and the Jedi?"

"Her majesty is currently in the gardens." the guard responded.

"Thank you. I had an... interesting time, Prime Minister." (Y/n) said, and walked off to find Obi-Wan.

A transport took her to the gardens, and there she saw Obi-Wan and Satine walking together. Suddenly, an explosion raked the air, and (Y/n) saw a Mandalorian monument destroyed, Obi and Satine dangerously close to the explosion. She jumped off the transport and ran towards Obi-Wan.

"Are you all right?" he was asking the Duchess.

"I'm fine." she replied, sparing him a glance.

"Obi-Wan!" (Y/n) called, and the Jedi turned to her. Satine looked at the girl as well, seemingly disappointed at her arrival.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I came here looking for you, and lucky I did." she replied over the screams of the people around her. "What happened?"

"I'm not entirely sure..." Obi-Wan muttered, and the three went to see if the people were alright. Satine was kneeling next to someone, and Obi-Wan said, "Hooligans couldn't have arranged an attack of this scale."

"Then this must be the work of an off-worlder." Satine concluded.

(Y/n)'s eyes caught something, orange and spinning, and said, "Are you sure of that?"

"The sign of the Death Watch." Satine breathed as she looked at the symbol floating in the air.

"This goes far beyond vandalism. This is a political statement against your government and against you." Obi claimed. "You're not safe here. I'm taking you back to the palace." He reached out his hand to help her up off the ground. He looked at (Y/n), saying, "Keep a close watch on any suspicious movement. I'm going to try something."

She nodded, saying, "What did you have in mind?"

"Scare the mole out of his hiding." Obi-Wan said, and looked to the crowd of people. "I want to interview everyone here. Nobody leaves this scene.

(Y/n) looked through the crowd, until a nervous bald man pushed people away, running from the explosion site. "Hey! Stop!" she shouted, and began to run after the man.

"(Y/n)! Wait!" Obi shouted, close behind her.

They chased the man until they reached a balcony where he could not escape. He breathed heavily as he turned back to face the two Jedi in the doorway.

"We only want to talk!" Obi-Wan stated. However, the man was uninterested in diplomatic solutions.

He quickly took out a blaster he was hiding and fired at them, both quickly dodging his attempts to kill them quickly. They released their lightsabers, deflecting the blaster bolts, one knocking the blaster out of his hand. He jumped at Obi-Wan, who kicked him over his head.

"We don't want to hurt you." (Y/n) told the man.

Satine came running through the doorway to the balcony. Obi-Wan, seeing this, shouted, "Stay back!!"

The man, seeing there was no escape, ran to the balcony edge and stood on top of the railing, uttering strange words.

"Calhava bru'chun dralshye'ran"

As soon as he finished, he leaned backwards and fell off the balcony onto the glass floor below, the cracking of the glass and screaming of the people nearby heard. Satine and the two Jedi ran to the edge to see his dying body on the floor, and moved away to go to the floor below.

Satine rushed forward as soon as they reached the lower levels, coming to the dying man's side, who was once again speaking in a different language.

"Se solu, se kad... se darasuum kote."

"What is he saying?" (Y/n) asked the Duchess. She didn't answer, only listened on more to the man's words.

"Kadi, se norm'iim."

"Ki, kadi norm'iim." Satine spoke back, bowing her head. The man's eyes rolled back, and he died. Satine still did not look upon the Jedi as she said, "He was speaking in the dialect they use on Concordia, our moon."

"I shall like to visit this moon of yours." Obi-Wan said. "Perhaps we could accompany the body."

"The Concordian moon is a province with it's own governor." She said, standing up and turning the face them. "You'll need me to escort you."

"That won't be necessary." (Y/n) claimed, not excited at spending even more time with the Duchess, who seemed to have no liking towards the elf.

Satine looked at her, slightly frustrated at her speaking up, and pushed, "Actually, it will. You won't make much progress without me there, especially since you've just been involved with the death of a Concordian."

"We didn't kill him." Obi-Wan defended.

"I know." Satine drawled. "That's why I'm still talking to you and your... friend."

Obi-Wan seemed taken aback, and (Y/n) didn't like the way Satine said 'friend'. It seemed hostile to her. She knew Obi-Wan trusted Satine, and (Y/n) trusted him with her life. If Obi-Wan said she was trustworthy, fine. But her own judgement was being swayed as they followed the Duchess back to her palace.

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