Chapter 1: Work, So Much Work, Kill Me NOWWWWWW!!!!

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Hello beautiful human beings I will try and speed this up for you so you all don't have to hear the same hi how do you do and shite lol 😂 excuse my language but hey ho this is what ya gonna get from me 😊

Anyways welcome to Chapter 1: Work, So Much Work, Kill Me NOW!!!! 💥

Chapter 1

Lucia (sighs) another day
Gabby awe sis it will be alright
Lucia will it
Gabby (nods) of course
Lucia but I hate working
Gabby I know but you have to make a living
Lucia I know gabs it's just I wish sometimes my parents were around and saw me now

Gabby I'm sure they are proud of you
Lucia I hope so (sighs)

A/N sorry guys but I will not be doing flashbacks but I will get Lucia to explain what happened to her parents and who people are so I will try and introduce them to you as they come into the story.

Lucia (looks down)
Gabby if you don't mind me asking how did th-
Lucia they died in a car crash
Gabby oh my god I'm so so sorry (hugs her)
Lucia (hugs back) it's alright it's what the police told me

Gabby you do know police lie right
Lucia I know that
Gabby (breathes)
Lucia anyways the police said a car collided into my parents Range Rover and smashed it up pretty good and it tumbled into a river

Gabby was th-
Lucia (takes a shaky breath) they were already dead when they went into that river
Gabby oh luc
Lucia (sniffs) I miss them
Gabby I know love
Lucia (sighs) anymore questions
Gabby just one
Lucia go ahead and ask
Gabby where were you when that happened
Lucia I was with my brothers they were taking care of me because I got sick
Gabby oh no
Lucia (looks down) I just wanna go home

A/N I am going to introduce you guys to her siblings and anymore people who come into this story!

Gabby okay would you like me to take you
Lucia no I'll be fine
Gabby you sure
Lucia (nods) sure as a potato
Gabby okay now that's weird
Lucia yeahhhhhh I know
Gabby be careful please
Lucia I will
Gabby text me when you get your ass home
Lucia (rolls her eyes playfully) yes ma'am
Gabby (smiles softly)

Lucia (leaves)
Lucia (gets in her car)

2 hours later

Lucia (gets home and gets out of her car)
Lucia home sweet home (walks to her home)
Lucia (sees a creepy guy)
Creepy guy hey baby
Lucia (goes stiff) please leave me alone sir
Creepy guy aw come on baby girl
Lucia please leave me alone
Creepy guy now sugar I just wanna talk
Lucia I'm sorry but I must be going
Creepy guy (gets angry) COME HERE BITCH
Lucia (screams)

Three strangers see


Creepy guy (grabs Lucia) now baby you listen
Lucia (shakes in fear) please let me go
Creepy guy I don't think so (smirks)

(The three strangers come over)

Creepy guy (grabs Lucia's breast and kisses her neck)

Lucia (screams) HELP
Stranger 1 hey asshole let go off the lady
Creepy guy or what (smiles)
Stranger 2 we will break every fucking bone in that miserable fragile body of yours now release her
Creepy guy how about no
Lucia (sniffs and whimpers)
Creepy guy shut up you sl#t (slaps Lucia in the face)
Lucia (shrieks in pain) p-please stop
Stranger 3 (pulls out a gun and shoots in the air)
Creepy guy (jumps and pushes Lucia)

(Stranger 1 and stranger 2 catch her)

Lucia (shakes very violently)
Stranger 1 it's alright darling your safe
Stranger 2 (takes off his jacket and puts it on Lucia)
Stranger 3 (comes over) you alright miss
Lucia (nods slowly) y-yes sir
Stranger 3 (chuckles) love don't be formal
Lucia s-sorry
Stranger 1 how about we get you home
Lucia I-
Stranger 2 do you have any family we can call
Lucia my brother
Stranger 2 (nods) alright lass
Stranger 1 can I have your phone ma'am
Lucia y-yes (gives phone)
Stranger 1 (calls Lucia's brother)

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