Using his thumb, he brushes her tempting lips before taking it into his mouth. But she tilted her head away making his lips collide her neck.

A ripple of passion passed through her entire body.

“Please no..not here”

“Why sweetheart. Few moments ago, you were ready to romance me in front of people. Now I want you all for myself.” He pressed himself against her

He grabbed her nap from behind and wanted to kiss her, but she put a finger on his lips restricting their kiss before marriage.

“This is my birthday. So don’t you dare divert my attention. Where is my birthday gift?”

“You got the most eligible bachelor Arnav singh raizada. What more do you want?”

“Don’t act smart and give me a gift..” She stamped her foot like a 5 years old kid.

“Baby I swear I brought nothing. I got so stressed out due to Di, I got no time to plan for your birthday.” Khushi began getting teary.

It was her first birthday after their love confession. She thought her prince charming would do something special for her. But no! She forgot he is Arnav singh raizada and he never gives any damn to any girl.

Without looking at him, she started going away. With quick reflex action, he held her back. He was just joking, he has bought one beautiful ring for her. He wants to surprise her by making her wear it, but seems she took his small joke seriously.

“Leave me. Let’s go off me.” Khushi struggled.

“Can’t leave you”


“Because you are my fiance.”

“No. I am not. I am like your other girlfriends. One day you will dumb me too like your ex girlfriends”

“You are my world Khushi and you know well how serious I am for you.”

“But I am not.” Said Khushi and began leaving.

“If you dare to go away I will kidnap you”

“Chodo mujhe Arnav. Stop kidding. I know you would never leave your Di, your family for any ordinary girl. I am just a time pass for you.”

Furious by her words, he captured her into his irresistible arms and slip ring in her finger.”

“Now you have officially become my fiance. Next time never doubt my love for you. No-one ever loves you the way I do. Did you understand.”

“Why do you always impose rights on me?”

“Jaisa bhi hu ab main tumhara hu aur tum meri” (As i am, Now I am yours and you are mine)

Khushi was so frustrated, she tried to remove it from her pinky finger. But it was so tight she was unable to do so.

“This ring belongs to you so does I. Next time if any stupid thought came to your mind of leaving me, always remember Arnav singh raizada goes to any extend to make you as mine.”

“Ek din tumhe itni dur le jayunga tum chah ke bhi mujhse dur nahi ja paogi” (One day I will take you so far you will not be able to get away from me)

“Hahaha..good joke”

~Flashback end~

“Kaha tha na..mujhse dur jane ki himmat mat karna..tum meri ho sirf meri” (I warn you not to dare to walk away from me..You are mine only) He whispered darkly making her close her eyes angrily.

New ss: KidnappedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora