"What did he do?" Jack whispered as Will sat next to him, all three of us squeezed on the tiny couch.

"Don't worry." I answered, not looking at him.

He didn't press it, and I was glad.

We watched the next movie in silence until the end. Once it was done, Will and Jack decided to go to sleep, leaving me to pack up the lounge room.

It was then that I heard bashing on our front door.

I frowned and stopped what I was doing to go and answer it.

"Hello- Oh." I opened the door and took a step back when I saw who it was. "Hey Niall."

"Hi." He deadpanned, not smiling as he pushed past me and into the apartment. "We have an issue."

"We do?" I asked him as we went to the kitchen.

I went around to the other side while he faced me off over the counter.

"There are people asleep in the next room." I informed him.

"Okay, then I'll make this quick." He continued. "The issue."


"Yes." He told me, crossing his arms. "Louis. He refuses to leave the apartment, he hasn't been seen by anyone, except Zayn once, since the party."

"Oh." I furrowed my eyebrows. "Is it because of me?"

"Yes, Harry." Niall snapped at me. "It's because of your dumb argument."

"It wasn't dumb," I defended. "It was about something serious."

"He's taking it really hard." Niall commented. "He's bad."

"You know what, I'm kinda glad." I sighed. "He needed to hear what I said. I hope he's learning."

"He needs you, Harry." Niall smacked his hands down on the bench and looked at me pleadingly. "He's not coping."

"He needs to know that he can't treat people like that." I pressed.

"Oh trust me," Niall scoffed. "He knows. He's been punishing himself all shut up in there. Zayn said he looked like he had been crying non-stop and that he hadn't left the bed the whole time."

I looked at him as I thought.

"We're worried he's not eating." Niall continued in a small voice, looking worried.

I sighed and ran a hand over my face.

"He's reverting. He was closed off, aggressive and snappy towards Zayn. He said he was bad." Niall explained.

And that was what made it all click. That was when I realised that he truly needed me and that I was actually making a positive difference in his life.

He really did need me.

And to be honest, I need him too. He makes me happier and he makes me feel like I have a purpose, to look after him and to love him.

"Can you please just kiss and make up already?" He asked with a small laugh. "I think it'd be better for everyone of you could forgive him."

I looked at him and saw he was being genuine.

"Harry," He looked at me. "He's being punished enough by himself. I think he hates himself for what he's done to you. He regrets it so much."

I thought about it for a minute and realised I had no energy to fight with him anymore. What he did was wrong, so wrong. But I think he already knew that.

And I thought Niall was right. Louis would be punishing himself, which made me think that he had learnt.

But there was going to have to be another serious conversation before I fully forgave him.

I knew what I had to do.

I nodded slowly before standing up properly as the both of us walked towards the front door.

"Okay," I nodded as I opened the door. "Thanks, Ni."

"No problem." He hugged me before stepping outside. "And thank you. He needs you, you know?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "Bye Niall."

"Bye Harry."

And with that, I closed the door and dragged myself off to bed, exhausted.







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