Chapter 6: Deep Within the Heart Pt II

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"I promise!"

The fae's heart tightened and the butterflies in his stomach swirled when the fairy smiled brightly at him. Was this what love felt like?

He walked down the hall in thought. Suddenly he felt cold the further away he got from the fairy. The fairy went out his way to protect him so he had to do the same. He vowed to be the number one magic user in the kingdom.


As time went on, Seokjin and Taehyung continued on with their lessons and duties as their wedding day approached. At first the fae was very indifferent about it. He didn't really care because he just wanted to do what was needed of his people. But now a year later, his thoughts were definitely different. He loved the fairy prince and couldn't wait to marry him though he would never admit it out loud. He just couldn't understand how the fairy was able to openly express himself while he wanted to hide under a rock.

The morning of the wedding, Taehyung could hear the excitement of the kingdom and around the castle. Everyone was moving hastily and in a panic state. Meanwhile, for him time seemed to have just stopped or slowed down. Either way it wasn't moving as quickly as he would have liked. Maids came to help him, bathed him in a specially made water that made his skin smooth as silk and the beautiful aroma that came from the purple colored water put him in heaven. He would definitely have to use this again. After his bath, he was placed in an ivory robe and he was given a manicure and pedicure. He picked the clear nail polish. His hair was curled and crimped adding to its fluffiness.

His gaze drifted to the ivory sparkling three piece suit hanging up.

Knots tied in his stomach as the maids brought the suit over. He took a deep breath standing up.

Hoseok knocked on the door and came inside when the prince gave permission.

"Wow you look amazing!" The fairy gasped.

The fae gave him a small smile. "Thank you."

"I just wanted to stop by and give you well wishes as well to tell you, your day is going to go perfectly."

"Thank you Hoseok. You've been such a great help to me this past year."

"I'm glad we became close. Us Recessives gotta stick together." He winked.

The fae chuckled. "That is so true!"

Taehyung's mother walked into the room. She smiled at Hoseok before looking at her son and gasping.

"You look breathtaking."

"Thank you Eomeoni."

She kissed his cheeks. "Are you already? After today you will officially be a king."

He took a breath and nodded. "I am."

"I'm proud of you. Ok everyone let's get into position and get the show on the road."

The time that had once gone so slowly for the fae prince was now speeding faster than he was ready for.

He was escorted to the large hall. Just beyond that door laid his present and future. The prince he once was, was no longer and he was about to become a ruler to a kingdom.

His heart tightened and the knots in his stomach became larger as the doors opened. Brightness hit his eyes and once adjusted his heart raced. The ceremony hall was decorated in white and silver. And something that he thought he would never see, fairies and faes standing together. His marriage to the fairy prince signified their unity of the two kingdoms becoming one.

His eyes met the fairy's who looked as beautiful and ethereal standing there in his silver suit.

The fae's legs shook with each step he took towards the fairy. Once he was close enough, the fairy took his hand and they stood before an elder who wed them.

The Phases of Loving Youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें