26 ▪︎▪︎▪︎Name, age where do you live

Start from the beginning

"White, never breaks promises."


"I'm telling you all, implicating us like this, I will drag you whoever you are." Green warned believing it was ploy to ruin the future king candidates.

"This Salem is unavoidable. The problem isn't just because Red got into trouble- the matter goes straight up to Kings and candidacy, there might've been a leak." A Blue King declared, and raised his voice to catch everyone's attention.

"There was a leak- the student was targeted the dame way Baby red was when he was a candidate."

"There no coincidence here. We never caught the snitch."

"I'll lose a whole branch that's affiliated to those rooks up to their very bishops."

"No green, You're fucked, you'll lose your whole house. just because of some rooks, that's so funny.." Then another for the house of black snickered. Everyone opinions in these matters will all end up into votes anyways.

"I gotta talk to Lino, you're all must be celebrating that I'm on edge."

"Prepare yourselves. Brief your houses of the upcoming Walpurgisnacht."

"Whoever did this will lose everything."

"Remember the salem, where Lino literally took down a family, because of some bullying matter."

"Aha! he did not stop at the expulsion, he devoured their shares in the market."

Salem can on be triggered by the highest house upon a grave conditions, it's an appeal needing the whole school officials signatories and agreement without the other houses and overthrows the whole king system as the gaining permission to do a culling and thorough investigation in each students, factions , colors and duly punish those who omitted any school violations.

The highest house will do the witch hunt upon their terms and conditions, methods and resources. It was all on the documents signed, and will deem appropriate  and unquestioned once passed.

Those proven of neglect of responsibilities, along with other crimes that violated the university laws will face humiliation, family name or not, influential or not, within the school. "Walpurgisnacht" is the process and it last a month or so depending on the top house's power and capabilities.

"Lino can't be bribed, one cannot simply ask for mercy when he finds fault at you. -

Also this school is, technically, his institution."

"Isn't that why he's the king of kings?"

"He holds too much power."

"Good thing, he's not the psychopath everyone thinks he is."

The committee was utterly thrown into chaos. It wasn't pretty. To those older students, already knew how Lino used to operate his salems. Only the letters of rustication from the university would find the parents with their sobbing sons and daughters, after the deployment of inspections and investigations. From cases of bribery to simple cheating is a contributing matter.

It's a witch hunt per sé. This also one of the reason's why the university is considered special. Who did the deed? They weed out people  they see unfit.

Jisung underwent trial, again from the other kings. At the very least it was the first time this semester. Strike three and his King status would be gone. He was quite in danger. That's why no one can even imagined that Red did it all to himself, he was battered, those are his bets, his status being on the line. It's out of the question.

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