Chapter Eleven: Olivia Showing Who Is Boss

Start from the beginning

Olivia had been helping to also handle all of the illegal things that the ministry had been doing to try and keep up their delusion that Voldemort was not back. It seemed something that she was a little too excited about. She just looked a little scary as she had on a Cheshire Cat smile at the thought of suing egotistical politicians. Especially after she took one look at the Daily Prophet and immediately needed a headache potion for the migraine it gave her. She described the so-called newspaper as "nothing but a waste of time that I would rather use to start a fire if I ever went camping."

Sirius certainly agreed with her.

To also prepare for his future lordship, Sirius had also given Harry a book on all the laws of magical Britain, not just the justice system-related laws for when they were preparing for his trial.

As Harry read it, he had thought the book was more like a horror story than a book of laws. It was horrible and he could hardly imagine that any human being could do things like this to other people regardless of who or what they are.

There were just so many laws that restricted the rights of others that were not purebloods. Like for werewolves, it was illegal for them to get a job where there was contact with the general public, which was most jobs. There were also laws that forbid them from marrying and having kids. Vampires also all had the same laws against them. But there were also laws that stopped them from hunting for blood and stopped people from donating blood to a vampire. It was basically illegal for them to eat. Since vampires only needed about a bottle of blood a week, they did not need to kill or turn someone in order to feed.

And that was not even touching about the laws against muggleborns. The worst law was probably the law that forbids any muggleborns from owning a shop, store, or even a restaurant in Diagon Alley or Hogsmeade. And since all businesses already there are family-owned, they don't hire anyone outside the family. So most muggleborns were out of luck for a job unless they get hired at Hogwarts or the ministry. Hogwarts does not hire assistants or apprentices, so they would be stuck with jobs like secretary, maintenance, janitor, or any other low paying job.

There were no laws that stopped muggleborns from actually getting the more higher-paying jobs, but that was more the unspoken law since all those that handle promotions are those that believe in blood purity.

It drove Harry crazy how no matter how much people like Dumbledore preach about equality, they don't even bother to actually do anything about it. He knew that Dumbledore had been kicked out of his Chief Warlock position over the summer because of how he preached about Voldemort's return, but he did not do much even when he was Chief Warlock. He keeps saying he wants equality among all magical beings, but never once did anything to actually make it happen. He put forth no laws to make muggleborn or creature lives easier, there were no motions to remove the laws that make their lives harder, and some of the laws against creatures even had unanimous votes to get them installed. 

But Harry did notice the laws that the "Light" section of the Wizengamot got through were almost all about destroying the old ways or just making them illegal. They believed that it was either black magic or just out of style. There was also the reason that it was probably the only thing they ever did to try and make muggleborns more comfortable. But at the same time, that was all they did. If anything, that only made muggleborns bigger targets because of how those types of laws piss off the blood purists in power.

He knew that this was the reason why magical Britain had two dark lords in a single century. Because no one has the common sense to figure out that it was because they all refuse to change. Werewolves, vampires, and other creatures join the dark because they are promised better lives without the law restricting everything that could make them want to live as normal lives as possible. Purebloods join because they do see the continuous destruction of their culture the more people try to "make muggleborns more comfortable." The dark lords say what appeals to them, which is anything better than what the current system gives them. 

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