CHAPTER 9- Attack

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I settled on the right side of the car, still feeling awkward as I am just centimeters away from the man of many women's dreams. Bill is starting the engine and I looked back and see Steven driving my car as he follows the one we're in. Then my eyes fall into Michael's and saw him looking at me intently. Afterward, he shied away and looked outside the window.

"Are you sure you're okay, Amelia?" Well, that's the first time he used my real name.

"I'm fine, like I've said a thousand times before," I said and chuckled. But he turned to me with a serious look. The smile on my face died down as I look at him dead in the eyes.

"You don't look like it, Ms. Johnson." My chest is going berserk again. Can this man just stop while I get a good grip on what the hell is happening in my life?

"Michael, there's no need to worry. I already took my medications and I'm gonna be fine any minute now" I feel bad for telling a lie. But it's necessary.

"Are you sure?" He asks once again.

"Positive" And I gave him a small smile to seal his mouth shut from asking any more questions. I'm still trying to comprehend what is happening and remembered him saying about a hotel.

"Where are we going again?" I asked as I turn my head in his direction.

"To a hotel we're staying for the night. I'm going back on tour tomorrow and we have to leave on time so we need to be in a group before boarding to less wasted time" He explained. I just hummed in response. "Don't worry, I'll take care of your room. All you need to do is rest for the night. You can drive back home in the morning if you're already feeling okay,"

"Okay," I replied. I noticed the box of the pie that I gave him earlier, still untouched.

"You didn't eat your birthday cake?" he looked at me and then down to the box.

"I intend on eating it after I get settled in the hotel." he chuckled and I nodded with a smile. I'm starting to feel my eyelids getting heavy and my body is slowly relaxing against the leather seats. I feel my head lean to the side, pressed against the window. I heard Michael say something but I'm too sleepy to comprehend it. Then I felt a blanket draped over me, with a relaxing scent that made me doze off instantly.


Someone is shaking my shoulders, trying to wake me. I swat the person's hand away because I'm enjoying my rest. However, the person won't stop and it's causing my head to ache. I slowly opened my eyes as I met Michael's, whose leaning towards me and trying to wake me up.

"Mia, wake up we're here," He said as I remove my head from the window. I rubbed my eyes awake and scan my surroundings. It doesn't even look like a hotel. My reaction might've caused him to explain.

"We're at the back entrance so the paparazzi won't snap pictures of us. Just try and cover your face" he said but I just stared at him blankly. I just woke up so I'm still trying to process every word he's saying.

"Do you have shades?" I shook my head as I remember that all of my items are in my car.

"Well, I don't have an extra pair," He said. He proceeded to take off his red blazer and place it over my shoulder. "Here, place this over the side of your face and hang your head low, okay?" And I just nodded. I don't have anything with me so the blazer is all I'm going to hold. Bill announced that it's already safe to go however there are still a number of paparazzi waiting outside a fair distance from the car. I didn't move and just stared outside as Michael already grabbed the door handle. He stopped when he noticed that I'm not following him.

"Don't worry Mia, no one will harm you. I'm here" he said and my eyes graced to his. "So is Bill and Steven" he followed as he eyed the two outside the door, waiting.

Michael grabbed the door handle and went outside first and I followed. I put the jacket fairly above my face and hang my head low, just like he said. As soon as he stepped out of the car, flashes of light lit up the dark back entrance of the hotel. We basically ran inside to avoid any pictures taken of me, or us together, or the world will see it on the news the next day.

We made it inside safely and waited for the elevator door to open. We got inside and loaded the space. A needle dropping can be heard for how silent this ride is. No one dared to speak a word until the elevator door opened again. I honestly don't know what room I should be staying at but Michael motioned me to tag along.

We stopped in front of a hotel door and looked at Michael with a confused face.

"You're staying in this room. My room will be just across from yours. I already informed the front desk that you're with me so there's no problem checking out tomorrow." He said

"Thank you Michael but you really didn't have to do this," I replied.

"Don't worry about it. I'm just concerned that you might have another attack while you're on the road," I just nodded. I grabbed the door handle and almost forgot to return his blazer. He already turned around but I called his name anyway.

"Michael," I said and he turned. "Your blazer," and removed the item over my shoulder but he stopped me.

"Return it to me when we see each other again. 'Till then it's yours to keep" He smiled and made his way to the other side of the corridor. He peeped through the crack of the door and smiled while I'm still standing there. Once he closes his door, I let out the breath that I didn't even realize I'm holding.

I entered the room and it's phenomenal. Michael shouldn't even bother. This is too much for just a night's stay. I can't help but thank him in silence as I roam around the most gorgeous hotel room I've ever been in. But the sight of the queen size bed is what excites me the most. It's equally beautiful and inviting that I didn't waste a second and climb in. I removed my shoes and lay down under the soft duvet, with Michael's blazer still wrapped around my shoulder. His scent lingered as I recall what he said earlier.

Return it to me when we see each other again. 'Till then it's yours to keep.

My eyes grew tired and I let my body fall into a deep slumber.

A Heart To Keep (A Michael Jackson Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz