"WHAT ARE YOU DOING Y/N!?!" You hear Itadori yell while you dodge a punch coming your way.

"I CAN STILL FIGHT BUT NOT AS GOOD AS YOU" you yell punching back at the curse. Itadori comes to help you fight but the curse grabs both of your guys arms and is about to eat you guys. You look back at Fushiguro for help but he is still struggling to recover . Itadori starts to resist so you do it too.

"a-AhgH" you cry in pain as the pressure around your body tightens. The curses grasps gets tighter and the finger slips from Itadori's hand. You give him the 'oh you've got to be kidding me' face and he looks the curse up and down saying 'well it's not my fault, I'm being squished by this thing' without actually saying it. Itadori tries to reach for it but his hands are stuck and the curse is about to get to it. He catches it with his mouth.

"NO DON'T EAT IT" Fushiguro yells. He eats it. 'Did that bish really just-' you sweat drop.

"Oop- that bish finna die" you say. 'Lol' you think. The hand holding Itadori explodes and Itadori pops out. He lands on the curse and whips his hand on its face and the flesh is scattered. You are let go from the grasp and watch the scene in front of you. Itadori hops back but you see another finger pop out of his pocket. 'Was there two this hole time? Why did he hide it? Where did he get it from? How is he still alive? Is that him?' Questions flood your mind. You hear movement behind you and the curse is coming towards you so get in fighting position but it doesn't aim for you. 'It's going for the finger' you quickly realize. You punch the curse slowing it down for a while, and then continue to run for the finger. You were about to reach it when you get smashed down, only a few inches away from the finger. Assuming it was the curse, you reach for the finger and your fingers brush over it but eventually you grab it and you hug it tightly (wtf..or just like protect it I should say). The curse grabs you and yeets you into the air. You see its hand reaching out to you about to kill you. You couldn't do anything in midair and you where about to die.

'About to die.'

You look at the finger and the situation you were in. 'Well if Itadori did it, imma do it too' you say in your head. 'Ohhh he's gonna give me a handful for this one' you think right before you popped in into your mouth and ate it. Few moments later, but before the curse hit you, you feel agonizing pain throughout your body. 'Oh shit this was a bad idea' you curse at yourself mentally as you crutch your stomach. All of a sudden you have no control over your movements. You somehow manage to rip the curse into shreds by a single flick. After a few seconds your body turns to face Itadori who now had marking on his arm.

"Eh..?" He looks at you. You hear the slight change in his voice so that's probably not him, but Sukuna. Sukuna probably is in your body right now too.

"Theres two of us?" He says eyeing you up and down.

"What the fuck" you say. Well not really you, whoever is in your body.

"Who are you" Sakuna says to you.

"First off all, who are YOU *insert Cardi B laugh*" you say. By the looks of it, they don't know each other so they must be separate curses but the same power.

"Hey what are you doing in my body" you hear Itadori say from somewhere. You look around to see where it is coming from until you see its a mouth on a face. Well two mouths.

"How can you..?" Sakuna questions. He laughs before the marking go away on Itadori and his voice is back to normal.

"As a curse I will exorcize you right here" you hear Fushiguro say to Itadori. Does he not realize that it's him, not the curse? You try to take over your body again but it doesn't work.

"Hey hey..did you forget about me or what?" You ask. 'Wtf this is creepy you think'.

'Y/n? Cant you go back to normal?" You hear Itadori ask. "I'm trying too" you want to say but you cant.

"If you cant then I will have to exorcize her" you hear Fushiguro say.

"Wait you can hear me" you say.

"Yea from the little mouth around your cheek" Itadori says wondering why you asked. Your body starts moving to attack Fushiguro.

"H-HEY WAIT" you yell closing your eyes right when you were about to hit Fushiguro. You slowly open your eyes to see that you're in total control of your body. You stand back up and look around. To be sure you moved your hands around.

"Guess it just takes longer for you to turn back" you hear Itadori come to you and say. You take a deep breath in andddddd


"Heh..looks who's talking. You also ate one" Itadori says with a laugh at the end. You hear Fushiguro walk up to you guys and you both turn around.

"Do yo-" you both said at the same time but before you finish the sentence Fushiguro punches you both.

"You both are idiots. Why did you do that? I specifically told you not to do that" he says.

"And WHAT did you go and do?" He asks with an annoyed face..

"Hmm..? I'm waiting for an answer" he says looking down on us.

"We ate it..." you both say simultaneously.

"YES EXACTLY NOW-" Fushiguro goes off on you guys then he gets interrupted by someone else.

"My my, what's going on here?" Someone asks

"Gojo-sensei?!" Fushiguro says surprised.

"I wasn't planning on coming but man your pretty beat up" the man who appeared to be Gojo-sensei says.

"Teehee I gotta show this to the second years" he goofs around while taking photos of Fushiguro all beat up.

"The higher ups wouldn't shut up about two special-grade cursed objects gone missing" Gojo sighs.

"So, did you find them?" he says with a phone in his hands and a bag slung on his arm.

Fushiguro looks down in disappointment and Itadori speaks up

"Umm...sorry but I ate one" he says with a dumb look on his face.

"I-...I um.. ate the other one" you say also with the same face at Itadori.

"...." Gojo just stands there silent with a 'huh' look on his face.

-yea so that's all I did now but I'll continue to post whenever I can-
Baiiii thx for reading

1868 words

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