Season 3; Episode 10

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"Frankly, I don't know what in the heck is wrong with Tea." Duke shrugged his shoulders, "She's always, like, mean to (y/n) specifically and I don't know why."

"Did she do something again?" Joey asked as his eyes narrowed.

"Yeah," Duke nodded, "While you were unconscious, Tea full-on went rude on (y/n). Like, she was being extremely pessimistic, and then she started shitting on (y/n) for no reason."

Yami's eyes narrowed, "What do you mean by that?"

"Like, for no reason Tea goes 'well Yugi sees everyone as friends but not in my eyes', things like that." Duke mimicked her as he quoted her exact words; giving you a headache upon recalling it. Joey physically flinched and shook his head,

"Did she really say that?" Joey asked,

"Yeah, and she went all 'well at least friends tell everyone their secrets', like so demanding on (y/n). Like she made the atmosphere worse and for some magical reason Tristan kept trying to defend her." Duke rolled his eyes, "Like, come on."

"Aw man, Tristan defended her?" Joey's face scrunched,

"Yeah, he kept like, saying how both (y/n) and Tea need to stop when really the only person who needed to stop was Tea. And when she angrily left, Tristan ran after her like a lost puppy. Not to mention he tried justifying her actions when he got back and was all mad when I told him that (y/n) was right." Duke shrugged, "Like seriously, Yugi, I mean no offense in asking, but what were you thinking in being friends with her?"

"Duke." Yami narrowed his eyes,

"I mean, come on, I know you see it too. She's only like this when (y/n) is around." Duke said, "Like, seriously what is up with her?"

"For some miraculous reason, Tea doesn't like the idea of people not telling her everything." Joey rolled his eyes and looked at you, "Sorry 'bout that, (y/n). Tea is a real piece of art."

"No, it's fine.." You shook your head, "It's just the way she is."

"She's not always like that, (y/n)." Yami turned to you, "She's really kind and an amazing friend."

"Not to (y/n)." Duke rolled his eyes, "look, I'm not into like, causing anything, but Tea is seriously overstepping her boundaries."

"No, I agree with ya." Joey nodded, "She's a real weird one, she tried tellin' me that she saw ya as a friend."

"Me?" You perked up and watched Joey nod,

"Yeah, when I asked her about how she's being really mean, she said she cherished ya as much as everyone else."

"Bull." Duke scoffed, "I recall that too, she doesn't act like a friend to her though."

"She would be like a switch, but I don't mind." You partially lied. In all honesty, you really didn't care nor want to care about her. After earlier's confrontation, you literally wanted nothing from her. You just wanted to leave this tournament and never talk to anyone except for Yami and Joey....and maybe Duke. Honestly, the people in this room are the only people you genuinely like besides Mokuba and Seto (to some extent).

"I've noticed some strange behavior from Tea, but I never thought she'd go like this." Yami's hands overlapped and he looked at you, "I am so sorry you have to see Tea like that. She really isn't like that."

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