Season 2; Episode 10

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well, brace yourselves this is gonna be a little longer than usual-


"C'mon Joey you got this!" Tristan cheered, "Kick his butt!"

"Something's not right," Mai mumbled as she frowned at "Marik", "Shouldn't he be crushing Joey at this point with his Egyptian Card? Or at least be a little more ruthless with him? Yugi what do you think-" Mai turned and gasped, "Is (y/n) okay?"

"She's fine." Yami lied, "She's just as anxious as everyone else,"

"(y/n), Joey's gonna win, that's for sure." Mai gently rubbed your arm, "Don't worry too much, it'll affect both your health and your beauty~"

"Aha..." You nervously responded, "...thanks."

Honestly, that isn't even what got you to be so nervous. 2 things made you nervous,

First off, Yugi was right about how serious Yami can be.

Secondly, if what you feel is correct, if you lean against Yami or even touch him there would probably be a likely chance that there will be blood on him. There was no certainty, but there was the chance.

"Well, don't you think Marik is being...gentle towards Joey?" Mai asked,

"You noticed it too?" Yami asked as he narrowed his eyes,

"Yeah." Mai nodded,

Marik - Your eyes lit and you turned to Mai and Yami, "...cause that isn't Marik." You whispered,

"What?" Mai gasped,

"I noticed it too, way early in the duel." You bit your lip, "He's too gentle, too polite. I didn't even sense any sort of malice that I figured I would sense."

"Who do you think it is?" Yami whispered as everyone screamed, rooting for Joey.

"....It's Namu." You narrowed your eyes at the real Marik,

"Namu? The purple kid?" Mai asked,

"Yup." You nodded, "When the Marik up there took out his rod, Namu was smirking at him, not only that but he looked to be holding something behind his back." You explained, "Not only that, but Namu seems to be fake from the beginning."

Yami glanced at Namu with his eyes narrowed, " that you think of it..."

Mai glanced over as well, "Wow, with a boy like that you wouldn't imagine him being such an evil bastard."

"What's going on here?" Tea asked as Mai shot up and looked at Tea with a smile,

"Oh, just talking about the duel!" Mai lied as she clasped her hands together, "Ya know, predictions on what's gonna happen. Right Yugi and (y/n)?" She turned to you and Yami with gritted teeth - as if she's threatening the both of you.

"Oh, um, yes." Yami nodded.

"Yup." You nodded with him.

Tea frowned as she looked at Yami, "I'm sure Joey will win," She mumbled as you watched her glance over at your shoulders. Mai immediately walked in front of you and Yami with a smirk,

"Yeah, so let's watch the duel~" Mai chirped with glee as Tea slowly looked back at the duel. Mai soon turned around and looked at you and Yami,

"So if that's Marik behind us, who is fighting Joey?" Mai whispered,

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