Two: Sparks

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Jeongguk hated going to university. At least he likes to pretend he did.

In fact, he only despises getting up early. He liked to talk to others of his age and loved to hang out with them, especially if his roommate Jimin was involved.

He also loved his major, physics, which wasn't that peculiar given that his father was a professor in the said degree at a university in his hometown, Busan.

But he didn't want to appear as if his father favored him, so he and Jimin took the long journey to Seoul. Sure, their dorm was small, but it felt good. It felt liberating.

Except for when they were late to their lectures, which was the case right now. "Move your fat ass; other people need to pee!" Jeongguk shouted, hitting the worn-out wood of the door repeatedly. He heard shuffling inside the small space, indicating that Jimin was moving around.

"Hold it for one minute!" the older groaned, trying to fix his hair. Jeongguk had enough, his bladder was pressing, and he couldn't hold it much longer. "Park Jimin, I will pee into your bed and blame it on you!" he threatened, which seemed to work because the door swung open one second later.

"Geez, you're such a bully," Jimin pouted, only for Jeongguk to slam the door in his face. The older just sighed and stuffed the working material into his bag, trying to fix his hair in their dirty mirror. "Kook, we need to clean!" he yelled, grimacing after drawing his finger down the glass.

"We need to do that since we had Yoongi over!" Jeongguk yelled back, desperately trying to fix his appearance. He emerged from the bathroom not a second later, frantically gathering his things and slipping his shoes on.

Both males rushed out of their dorm, not forgetting to lock it. They ran across campus, hastily waving each other goodbye to get to their respective lecture halls. Jeongguk entered quietly. To his luck, their professor was occupied with his laptop, so he sat down unnoticed.

"Technology nowadays," the professor cursed before looking up. "Today, we will be speaking about Thermodynamics!"

Jeongguk just sighed and opened his laptop, fumbling to get his reading glasses out of his bag. He really did need new ones; the ones he currently had were always sliding down his nose.


The lecture was almost over when Jeongguk's phone vibrated embarrassingly loud in his pocket. He gave the people who looked at him a sheepish smile and carefully pulled it out of his pocket, glancing at the screen. It was a message from Yoongi.


Lunch at Boston Barista?


Sure thing

He slid his phone back into his pocket and pretended to pay attention to the things his professor said before the man glanced at his wristwatch and dismissed them. Jeongguk basically sprinted out of the classroom, skidding to a stop once he had reached Jimin's department.

Students were already pouring out of the hall, idly chatting with each other, but the ravenette didn't catch a single glimpse of his best friend. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other, getting more nervous with each questioning stare lingering on him. Finally, he watched the familiar figure of his best friend enter the hallway, his head held down.

"What happened?" Jeongguk asked immediately, walking beside Jimin. "I never thought I'd receive a scolding in front of the entire lecture with twenty-two," the older sighed, finally looking up from the dirty tiles. "Hey, just ace those exams, and she'll forget about it," Jeongguk proposed, automatically steering Jimin in the direction of the cafe.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2021 ⏰

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