Unexpected Guests

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A/N- I really enjoyed writing this one. I find that I enjoy stuff more if I include things I like, so apologies for the book reference. I hope you all like it.

Word Count- 3724 words

Warnings- Fluff, mentions of kissing.

'So, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you.'- Paulo Coelho.

Spencer Reid was not a man that believed in soulmates or love at first sight. He believed in science; not fate. But when he first laid eyes on Y/N, he questioned his beliefs.

She was radiant. A powerful force that pushed its way into Spencer's mind and heart unlike anything ever had before. Usually, Spencer would never have the confidence to approach a woman, let alone one who could easily render him breathless from simply looking at them. But with the life that he lived; he knew that feeling this way was something to hold onto tightly.

When they first began dating, Spencer divulged to Y/N what his job entailed and the consequences that came with it: the constant travelling, abrupt cancellations of plans, late nights and early mornings, the dangers that were present and the risks that he often had to take. Spencer was infatuated by Y/N at the get go and had to be sure that she accepted his job before he even considered asking her to be his girlfriend.

He realised he needn't worry about her thoughts on his job as whenever Spencer messaged her that he was on his way home, he would arrive back to find her waiting outside his apartment; her arms open wide as she awaited the embrace that she missed so much. It became such an occurrence that Spencer quickly gave her a key to his apartment so she could at least wait inside in the comfort and the warmth of his home.

They had both come to an agreement to take some holiday time from their individual jobs, as of lately, they both had found themselves knees deep in work. For a whole week, they had blissfully spent their time wrapped in each other's arms all morning and all night. Their afternoons shifting from movie and Doctor Who marathons to dates out into the city. They had enjoyed their time together and couldn't wait for another week of their time off to do the same.

The morning was never Y/N's favourite time of day. She relished more in the comforts of the night. Listening to the people walking below her apartment window, watching the cars as the rushed to wherever they were heading at such an ungodly hour, and waiting up for her boyfriend to arrive back from a case. Y/N preferred the nights because it meant Spencer was arriving and not leaving like he did in the day. So many of their dates had revolved around the alter hours.

As the sun shone directly into Y/N's eyeline, she blinked her eyes slowly open as she began to awake from another bliss filled sleep. She loved the nights but mornings where she awoke with Spencer holding her the way that he was, made her forget about the mornings he wasn't there. The past week that they had spent together had been the best night's sleep either of them had had in a long time. Whist Spencer was usually awake at all hours working, Y/N would be struggling to sleep, stressing about her own work and, of course, her boyfriend who was off catching murders and criminals.

Turning her head to look at her boyfriend, Y/N watched as Spencer slept peacefully beside her. His mouth parted slightly as quiet snores could be heard if she were to listen closely. His arm was wrapped securely around her stomach, his hand underneath her shirt as he unconsciously rubbed his thumb against the skin in his sleep. It's as though he needed to have the skin on skin contact to know she was actually there.

They had agreed that today would be a movie marathon day. Y/N loved movies; any genre was good for her. One of her and Spencer's first dates had been to a German film festival. Spencer had been pleasantly surprised to find out how much Y/N enjoyed films in general. They broadened each other's taste. Spencer got her to watch older, foreign pictures whilst Y/N forced him to watch nostalgic classics as well as rom coms; which she knew her boyfriend secretly enjoyed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2021 ⏰

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