15. Just Me, My Board, and My Thoughts

Start from the beginning

...but I don't wanna be just "friends" with him, right? Isn't a date exactly what I want?

Shiver me timbers, why does this crush have to be so damn complicated?

Ugh... I oughta not dwell on that crap. I'm came to relax and have fun, and that's exactly what I'm gonna do. Maybe blow off some steam too.

My surfboard began to rock more. I perked up when I saw the peak of a bigger wave quickly approaching. A wave perfect to surf on.

"Finally," I mumbled. Showtime.

I paddled to turn myself around and waited for the wave to pick me up. When it did, I got ready to stand. The refreshing blue water shattered into white all over my body, cooling me as I popped up to my feet. I steadied myself and gazed outward, coasting straight with the wave. Nothing too crazy yet. Just warming up. I took a deep, invigorating breath. Ah... brisk. I almost prefer this to fighting. No Sirens or horny foxgirls trying to kill me. I can just be out on the water and enjoy myself.

This is really helping to brighten a crappy day. Only thing that could make it better is...

...hmph... speak of the devil.

I saw the commander sitting on the beach. Heh... probably the most casual garb I've seen in him. Just a T-shirt, swim trunks, and flip flops.

Oh shoot, he's waving at me.

"Hehe..." I giggled.

...that was the girliest giggle I've ever uttered. Well, besides when he asked me to be his secretary. Okay, second girliest. Whatever. Jeez, I must be blushing up a storm. It's not my fault the dumbass looks so damn cute right now.

I waved back...

"WoaAAhh!" I yelped as my board thrashed a bit. I managed to regain balance.

Phew... that was close. Now ain't the time to wipe out. Just taking it easy, remember?

Although... this wave still has some length and power to it. And I'm a healthy distance away from shore...

Know what? Screw it. I think I'm warmed up enough, and I think I've got a second chance to show off for him. I grinned as I crouched...

"Alright, Commander. Lemme show ya what I got."

With the white water chasing me, I coasted along the trough of the wave, gaining speed. Once I had enough, I turned my board towards the wave's crest. I skirted on the top of the wave, scattering saltwater to the wind as I crouched and turned the board to accelerate down to the wave's base. I repeated this a couple times. Up to the crest, down to the trough.

Now this is child's play. Simple s-bends. But I'm only getting started. Let's see if I can land one of the tricks I've been practicing.

I accelerated towards the edge of the wave. I could feel my ponytail start to thrash behind me as I gained speed. It felt like my heart was beating as fast as I was surfing. When I felt like I had enough speed, I coasted up to the tip of the wave. Before I actually touched the crest, I leaned my body to my side. As if I was surfing in a solid bowl, my board seamlessly carved the edge of the wave as I circled back around, creating a smooth, clear fan of water in my wake.

Now the tricky part. Catching the white water.

C'mon, Jean. You've got this. He's watching...

My board was at full speed. Barely any time to think as I fixated on the wave's white water. I gotta hit this just right. I grit my teeth as I closed the gap between me and the tip of the wave. Crouching to absorb the punch of the white water, the nose of my board broke through the crest. I quickly leaned to turn the board back around, slicing through the wave's crest like a knife through butter.

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