A Birthday Wish

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After hearing the endless knocks on my door, I sigh.

“He’s finally here, huh?”

It is about time he faces me. For a month have I been waiting for his arrival, and he couldn't have come at a better time.

I open the door, “Yes?”

“Please! Forgive me, Ayanokoji!” he screams.

This is the man that broke the peace in my and Suzune's relationship. The man who kindled this troublesome mess.

Sudo arrives at my door, with his hands and knees on the ground whilst crying aloud.

“Sudo...” I look at his pitiful state, “Come in. It will be noisy out here.”

2 minutes later

After calming himself down, he sat on the bed with a cup of tea in his hands. I stand in front of him after filling my share of tea into the cup.

“Hey, Ayanokoji. Are you mad at me?”

“Hm? Why would I be mad at you, I wonder.”

“I mean, you already know, right?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Well... I don't wanna say it...”

“Then why did you crash into my room with tears on cheeks?”

“I thought you knew about it already, that's why I thought I'd better get out of hidin'...”

“But Sudo,” I crouch down in front of his eyes, “Can you really brush it off without atoning? Whatever it is you done, are you going to deceive me and live life as if nothing had happened?”

He narrows his eyes, “Then... I'll tell you. I... asked Koenji to beat you.”

“I can't hear you.”

“I said, I asked Koenji to beat you! Because of that, he went as far as setting the 3rd year dormitory on fire!”


He lowers his head.

“It's my fault for injuring the president’s leg! It's my fault Horikita was depressed! And it's my fault I caused you so much trouble!”

His eyes are brimming with guilt, as if it's not forgiveness he wants, but punishment. I’m sure the past me would inflict some sort of punishment, however, I’ll let him off the hook... with a favour.

“Sudo, you made Suzune cry several times...”

“I know...”

“She cried because you injured her brother...”

“I know...”

“And she was alone because I couldn't be there for her, because I was obliged to attend school.”

“I know...”

“Yet you want to be forgiven?”

“Yes... I’ll do anything...”

He wants the burden of guilt removed from his chest. The number of absences he's accumulated in the last month was because of this burden. I’m sure he came here for an answer that can free him of carrying this guilt.

And so, here's my answer:

“I forgive you,” I say, “But under one condition.”


I look into his eyes.

“Protect Suzune.”

Sunday 20th October

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