I'm So Sorry

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Alexa whined as her mom slowly helped her to the kitchen to get a drink of water, and then sent her back up to her room, where Arimya was still peacefully asleep. Alexa glanced over at the sleeping girl and sat down on the bed next to her. She stroked Arimya’s hair slowly, surprised when she woke up, as she was normally a very heavy sleeper. She smiled shyly at her as she sat up and realized she was in Alexa’s bed.

Arimya smiled sleepily at the girl above, before remembering the night before. She immediately looked away and covered her face with the blanket, sighing slightly, before rushing into the bathroom and locking the door. Alexa rushed after her thinking something was wrong, but then she realized that Arimya had locked the door. She knew it would be a good idea to just leave her alone and give her some space, but she didn’t want her to feel alone.

She went downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed a granola bar, before sitting down at the table. Arimya came down the stairs a few minutes later and it was obvious that she had been crying heavily. Alexa apologized again, quietly this time, but she knew that nothing would change this.

The girl Arimya had fallen in love with, the girl who made her realize things that changed her life completely, was now going to be her sister, and there weren’t many options as for things she could do about it. She wouldn’t move back in with her parents. But maybe she could go stay with her aunt or something.

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