Chapter 3

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Credit to @OwlyPerson125 for original idea

"That was fun, we should head back now though," I said looking at the darkening sky, "Are you camping with us?" Nagisa nodded,

"Yeah, we'll be in the school though," He said and I winced,

"Are you sure, I've got some room in my tent," I offered, "You too Karma," Nagisa shook his head,

"We're good, for the night, you should spend it with your friends," Nagisa said and I chuckled,

"You know I live with them," I said and he chuckled too,

"Guys," Karam warned and we hopped down off the tress and started to walk normally back to the campsite in silence, a shadow passed over us, and I looked up just in time to spot Mr. Aziawa sail overhead,

"He must be doing his rounds, making sure no one's dead," I mused and Nagisa and Karma nodded. We reached the campsite and Nagisa and Karma got closer while I drifted away slightly.


"Right!" I squeaked and he rolled his eyes,

"So, what did everyone learn," Mr. Aziawa asked and we went around describing the area and the way class 3-e moved. Mr. Aziawa had retired to his sleeping bag a while ago but we were still in the circle, classes 3-e and 1a chatting comfortably.

"What do you think Deku?" Uraraka asked, I guess I was being uncharacteristically quiet because everyone was already staring,

"huh what?" I asked looking around,

"We were just talking about who was stronger," Uraraka said and I tilted my head and drew out Nagisa's notebook, flipping through the notes he had written, and filling in some points, muttering as I did, before looking up,

"Class 1 A would lose," I said, closing the notebook

"SAY WHAT DUMB NERD?? LIKE HELL I'D LOSE TO A BUNCH OF QUIRKLESS-" Kirishima slapped a hand over Bakugou's mouth laughing slightly,

"Sorry about him," Kirishima apologised,

"WHAT THE HELL EIJIROU?!" Bakugou said pulling down Kirishima's hand,

"Midoriya's usually spot on about these things," He said causing Bakugou to click his tongue and turn away, but no more complaints came out of his mouth,

"Hey Deku?" Urarkaka asked quietly and I turned away from the group conversation,

"Yes, Uraraka?" I asked

"Did you get a new notebook?" She asked and I looked down confused, Nagisa and I carried the same notebook, I looked at her confused,

"It's just- you've been acting weird lately," She said, "I-"

"Oi! Nerd!" Bakugou called and I turned my attention to him, "Who'd win, me or this twerp?" Bakugou asked slinging an arm around Nagisa, an unpleasant feeling shot through me,

"Get your hand off him," I said shocking Class 1A

"OI! WHAT DID YOU SAY? I'LL KILL YOU! YOU DUMB NERD! DON'T TALK BACK TO-" my eyes widened as he said the word 'kill', I caught Karma but Nagisa was already there holding a figure to Bakugou's neck. Silence fell,

"Nagisa!" I shouted, and Nagisa paused then slinked back, Bakugou fell to the ground with a thump, and I pushed Karma away as well.

"What the hell was that?" Kirishima asked rushing forward to check out Bakugou, who in turn grumbled and stood up shakily,

"None of your damn business," Bakugou said

"Dude bested Bakugou!" Kaminari laughed and Bakugou clicked his tongue again,

"That's it I'm going to bed!" He declared stomping away, Kirishima frowned after him before frowning

"We should all head to our tents," Iida said, "We have an early morning, tomorrow"

583 Words 

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