5. Pronounce You Husband and Husband

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"Where were you last night?" Yunlan spoke with his eyes on his drink, evidently upset.

Ye Zun rolled his eyes, "Please, do not be my father." He got up and got rid of his bathrobe, ready to take another dip in the swimming pool.

"I'm your boyfriend, Ye Zun," Yunlan snapped as he quickly got up and walked closer to Ye Zun.

"And how does that entitle you to take control of my life, Yunlan?" Ye Zun smirked, trying his best to get under Yunlan's skin.

He knew an enraged Yunlan made love the fiercest, the violent way and Ye Zun wanted just that. He annoyed Yunlan often so that he would pin and take him raw, taking out all his annoyance in the most pleasurable manner.

There were times when Yunlan made love in so much frustration that Ye Zun wasn't able to walk afterwards, but Ye Zun was always up for it. He annoyed Yunlan more and more so that he could have a great fuck as a reward.

"You do it on purpose, don't you?" Yunlan pulled Ye Zun closer, digging his fingers deep in his back.

Ye Zun gasped but he was ready for the wild sex, he smirked and did not resist.

"Ye Zun..." Yunlan's voice and expressions suddenly softened, his grip around Ye Zun was gentle. Ye Zun's eyebrows creased in confusion.

"Ye Zun, I... I don't want to wait any longer," Yunlan spoke and it seemed like he was hesitating, so unusual of Yunlan.

"Will you..." Yunlan looked deep in Ye Zun's eyes, his brown eyes brimming with love, pure love for Ye Zun.

Ye Zun knew what Yunlan was about to say, he placed his palm on Yunlan's chest and pushed him away but in the process, he slipped and fell in the swimming pool.

Yunlan rolled his eyes on the clumsiness of his boyfriend but he quickly smiled and dived right after.

Ye Zun was about to swim to the surface but he was pulled down under the water by his waist. He was startled and confused for a moment as he was held under the water by a smiling Yunlan.

Both held their breaths under the water, floating in the blue, and time seemed to stop for the two. At first, Ye Zun was confused but soon he found it soothing, strangely calm, floating in the vacuity, held fondly by his lover.

Yunlan slowly placed his lips on Ye Zun's and he was surprised, even underwater, Ye Zun tasted like a fine wine, smooth yet intoxicating. Everything was in slow motion under the water. Both their eyes closed on their own as they kissed each other surrounded by nothing but water.

After what seemed like an eternity, both opened their eyes but the moment Ye Zun opened his eyes, all the colours from his face was drained, he froze.

Yunlan smiled at him, holding a ring. Ye Zun could only look back at him with shocked written all over his face as if he had seen a ghost.

And indeed it was the ghost he was trying to run away from, commitment.

It was the end of everything for Ye Zun. He did not want to get tied down. He did not know what to do to get out of the mess. Though he let Yunlan place the ring on his finger, every time Ye Zun looked at the ring, he felt suffocated.

He started avoiding Yunlan, he stopped going to his penthouse. He did have sex whenever he felt the urge but apart from sex, he could not even bear the sight of Yunlan. Whenever Yunlan tried being romantic with him, Ye Zun felt the noose around his neck tightening.

The worst was when the families got involved. Ye Zun's father was happiest with the alliance, for him it was the greatest business deal that Ye Zun got him. They even started preparing for the wedding. Yunlan was the happiest and Ye Zun, he was the saddest like all his happiness was about to be taken away from him.

Imperfectly Perfect (A WeiLan Love Story) #CompletedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora