Chapter 7

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A/N: Thank you for the people who commented and left me some ideas so without a further ado here is the next chapter! (@Momomuckel @simpingforsomeone thanks for ideas!)

Ella's Pov~

     It's been a month since we visited Azkaban and I've been getting to know Marvolo more. (I noticed how he didn't like Tom or Thomas unless I say it so I try and not do it often) After all this time I have been talking to him I think he is my soulmate, but I don't want to ask in case he isn't so I guess I will have to wait till my 16th birthday to find out! While I thought about all this I started walking to the forest clearing on our Manors property and started to sing a song, when I was done I had a bunch of animals crowding around me looking very peaceful, I smiled and pet a bear behind his ear. But I didn't notice someone sneaking up on me the animals did though so they started to create a wall between me and the person. When I turned around with my hand lit on fire ready to throw a fireball I saw Marvolo looking there shocked. I giggled and said, "It's okay guys Marvolo is a friend you can stand down." They didn't seem to believe me so I put my hand out and conjured some treats for them all to eat. I look at Marvolo who still looks in shock at what just happened and say, "Cat got your tounge Tommy boy." He raises and eyebrow and than smirks I tilt my head in confusion and look at him wondering what hes about to do. All of a sudden he jumps and tackles me to the ground and tickles my tummy which sends me into fits of giggles. All of the animals start laughing which sounds like barks, tweets, or growling to Marvolo. I just hide my face in his chest a blushing mess and mumble "shut up guys."

Voldy's Pov~

      I look at the cute blushing mess snuggled in my chest and think of why I came here in the first place I tell her, "Hey little one I have a surprise do you want to come with me I think you will really like it?" She looks at me with her sparkling shiny green eyes and says, "Fine but I get a piggy back ride". She give me a smirk thinking she was all smart abut it so I just laugh and carry her like a sack of potatoes. Ella pouts and crosses her arms which I got to say looks really cute up-side down.  When we walk in I hear Bella and Rodolphus and I knew she realized to because I could see her eyes light up and she bolts into the room. Ah well so much for surprise what part of quiet does Bellatrix not understand!

Ella's Pov~

            I hear somebody say, " WHERE THE HELL IS MY NIECE I WAIT ALL THIS TIME FOR WHAT!?!" I look at Marvolo with wide eyes and bolt into the sitting room when I see Auntie Bella and Rodolphus I don't care to look whos there and jump into there arms while Bella swings me around and pulls me into a tight hug. I hug them back just as tight and whisper into Bella's chest while I am sandwiched between them, "I missed you guys so much.." I didn't notice Sirius looking in shock that Bella and Rodo can be so sweet she wasn't even that nice to Mom. I run into Marvolo arms and hug him tight and cuddle into his chest. I whisper, "Your the best you know that right?" He kisses my forehead than looks down at me with a smirk and says, "Of course I am Little One." I finally notice Sirius because I hear him sputtering and tilt my head in confusion and wrinkle my nose which makes everyone in the room aww at me I just look at him and say, "I don't think I've seen you before?" He smirks and changes into the Grim and I gasp and do the same much to Toms amusement and everyone else horror. I say, "So that happened". He just laughs and rolls across the ground I pad up to Tom give him puppy eyes and roll over with my belly facing him with my tounge rolling out of my mouth. He shakes his head in amusement and sits me next to him rubbing my ears while I lay down on his lap and fall asleep. 

Voldy's Pov~  

          Everyone is staring in shock between my and the puppy grim in my lap that I'm looking at lovingly. "What cat got your tounge?" Black changes back and looks between me her than says, "huh?" I glare at them all and hiss, "If anyone outside this room heres about this the person who said will be dead unless Little One likes them got it?" They all shut there mouths and nod very quickly, "Now I'm going to bed and I'm bringing her with me are we done here?" They all nod again and I leave with her in my arms. When we get to my room I ward it off so only Parseltounges can enter unless I want someone to come in. I look lovingly at the soulmate in my arms and cast a spell to change her back to her normal form. I tuck some hair behind her ear and say, "Little one you need to change than you can sleep." I hear a mumble and I say, "Unless you want me to myself I don't mind". Her eyes open and go wide she mumbles Pervert and runs into the bathroom and locks the door I just chuckle and change into grey sweat pants and take off my shirt. Ella comes out with her hair in waves from the French braid she had in all day, and one of my dark green shirts which go down to her thighs. My eyes widen slightly and I smirk she is just to cute. She sees I have no shirt on and turns red looking anywhere but me. I walk till I'm an inch away from her and lift her head up to face mine I whisper, "Like what you see baby girl." She is the definition of a tomato now so I start laughing and toss her into my bed. I get into bed and cuddle her so her heads in my neck and say, "Go to sleep Little One" As she falls asleep I just look at her and smile a genuine smile before I go to sleep I whisper, "I'll always protect you mi amour"...

A/N: Hey guys thanks for being patient I'm in the middle of the school year so I cant update daily I'll try at least once a week though! Also for those of you who don't know the words mi amour in English mean my love.

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