Chapter 3

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   Ellas Pov* 

                        I woke up up to Pansy jumping up and down on my bed, great way to wake up right? "GET OFF PANSSS" I said. "fine fine common lets go the boys are waiting", she says. I got up and put on some lip balm and some natural makeup just to add a little flair but let me freckles stand out all the same. I put of some white vans and head down to the common room, "Hey guys" I said. "Hey" they all said back we started heading down to the great hall for some breakfast and talking about what we are most excited about. When we got down I didn't feel very hungry so I just started reading a dark arts book that I glamored it to look like a potions book and only people who use the dark arts would be able to tell. While I was reading I felt a pair of eyes looking my way, as I looked up I saw Professor Quirrell he looked embarrassed when I caught him looking so I gave him a shy smile and went back to reading brushing my bangs out of my face. As it got a little later Uncle Sev came down with the schedules he came and sat next to me since it was only teachers and some Slytherins and Ravenclaws. He gave me a hug and my schedule and said, "Hey princess heres your schedule how did you sleep last night?" I hugged him back and gave him a shy smile and said, "It was good Uncle Sev thanks for putting me with Pansy your the best!". He chuckled gave my a kiss on the forehead and said, "No problem least I could do I need to hand out the rest see you in potions Princess!" and he walked off to finish handing them out. As I got up I went up to Marcus with my group and said, "Hello Marcus can you please take us to the Defense against the Dark Arts room since it's are first day please?" In a small voice since I was a little shy. He chuckled and said, "Sure squirt follow me" "I'm not a squirt im average" I pouted. "Sure keep telling yourself that" he said I just huffed and followed him arms crossed.

Tom Riddle AKA Voldemort POV*

          Ella looks cute I haven't seen her in awhile the blond looks much better than the red hair im glad I trusted the Malfoys. I noticed she wasn't eating, but when I looked closer I realized she's reading a dark arts book glamoured I just smirked a little. She looked up at me shyly it was the most adorable thing, but Quirrell got a little embarrassed so she just sent him a shy smile to  him it's fine what a sweet girl and she's mine....

Time Skip to Beginning of Defense Ellas POV*        

        Woah this class is so cool I already know some spells because of mom and dad, but doesn't mean this isn't gonna be fun! Ugh the Gryffindors just walked in.. THEIR SO DAM LOUD UGHH!!! As poor Quirrell is trying to get attention they keep talking while us Slytherins look disgusted I send Prof. a sympathetic glance. I got up and said, "SHUT UP IDIOTS CANT YOU SEE HES TRYING TO TEACH". All the gryffindors blushed red while the Slytherins gave them dirty looks as we were waiting for like 10 minutes. Quirrell sends me a thankful glance I just shoot him a small smile in return.  He then tells us about all the cool spells and protective measures that us Slytherins are fascinated by while one idiotic Gryffindor said, "Are we gonna duel this is boringggg". The bell rings before anyone can say anything I send him a dirty look while Professor says, "Miss Malfoy please stay for a minute". I got nervous so I packed up and tapped my leg in a nervous manor after I left he comes up to me..

Tom Riddle AKA Voldemort's POV* 

           "Miss Malfoy you alright there?". She look up at me nervous her beautiful AK eyes watering and than I realized she probably thinks she's in trouble or something im and idiot. I walk up to her and say, "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you Miss Malfoy just wanted to thank you for earlier". She looked up at me confused and than something clicked and she gave me the cutest shy smile and said, "Oh that's nothing you deserve respect your a teacher but obviously, some imbeciles don't know what that word means". I smile at her and say well off you go Potions next I believe and her eyes light up and she says, "Oh yes Uncle Sev I can't wait see you later Prof. Quirrell". And she dashes down the hall with a smile on her face towards her next class....

Ellas Pov*

        I run in to Uncle Sevs class and sit next to Draco and Harry Potter sits in a row behind me. Uncle Sev walks in robes billowing, but if you know him well enough you can see his eyes are filled in amusement so I giggle a little and he gives me a smirk and a wink. He walks up and says, "For those of you who are not dunderheads (he looked at me and draco which causes me to giggle again" I can teach you how to bewitch the mind ensnare the senses brew fame and bottle glory and even put a stopper in death... but some of you choose to NOT PAY ATTENTION". His eyes are filled with anger and he heads towards me so I was confused and a little scared but then he passed me and I realised it was Potter so I turned around to watch it play out. He asks him a bunch of questions but SOMEBODY didn't study and kept saying I don't know and the after the last one he said, " I DONT KNOW, why don't you ask one of your slimy snakes greasy git". Ron clapped him on the back saying stuff like good one mate while Uncle Sev looks livid. HOW DARE HE SAY THAT TO HIM AND HIS HAIRS SOFT I WOULD KNOW BECAUSE I'VE BRAIDED IT A** WHOLE. He got really close and said in a deathly soft tone, " 1 month detention and 50 points from gryffindor for insulting a teacher and being unprepared". He was about to protest but Uncle Sev raised an eyebrow and said, " Wanna double that?" After that class was awfully quiet me and draco perfected the potion, I confounded Longbottom wandlessly to add an extra snake fang and it made it explode all over him (Aunt Bella would be proud) and everyone around him potter of course didn't get touched by it so Uncle Sev said, "25 points for Gryffindor for NOT PAYING ATTENTION and allowing your house mate to fail to look better". When class was done everyone rushed out except me because I know the comment hurt him because it reminded him of his childhood bully, Potters father. I walk up to him and give him a hug and say, "Don't listen to that bird nest git his opinion doesn't matter because he calls snakes slimy which isn't true and thinks his fame is everything which one day will be his downfall!". He looks up with water eyes and says, "Really?" I said, "Of course Uncle Sev plus I don't snow what hes talking about your hairs is super soft!". He gives me a smile chuckles a bit and picks me up, "Thanks little snake you always know how to cheer me up". "No problem Uncle Sev your the best Uncle ever for a reason!" Since it was the end of the day I cuddled in to him and fell asleep on the couch...

           Tom AKA Voldemort POV* 

         Ugh this idiot Quirrell just HADDD to get burned by some idiot kid now we have to go to severus he should be in his quarters.. As I walk up to his quarters I knock and walk in to see him asleep with Ella curled up against his chest asleep. She's adorable sleeping,  but I need Severus. I walk up shake his arm a little and say, " Severus I need a burn reducal potion". He wakes up sees me raises and eyebrow than sees Ella his eyes soften as he picks her up off of him and puts her back down with a pillow and a blanket. "What do you need Quirrell?", he asks. I need a burn ruducial potion some idiot kid just HADDD to incindio me!" He shakes his head and walks to the lab to brew up a potion. I sit down on the couch across from Ella as she starts to wake up. She yawns and rubs her eyes than stretches like a cat she adorable. She yawns and says, " Hello Professor is their a reason your here?" I nod my head and say, "One of the students burned me" She walks over and sits next to me and says, "were did you get burned?" I point to my arm and she rolls it up and gently grabs it between her hands for a couple seconds and it has a warm tingly feeling than she takes her hand off and it's.. its.. its gone?!?! "How did you do that?" "She looks at me confused, "I've always been able to do it". While shes talking I think she must be really powerful Merlin level like me even to be able to do that!!! "That's amazing thank you anyways I should get going telling Severus that Ill be taking my leave." She nods her head gives me a small smile and walks over to her uncles lab whispers something and walks in door shutting behind her. I smirk and think to Quirrell I knew my Queen was perfect, but this... this is a WHOLEE other level....

Ella Potter x Voldemortजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें