"Now I have an idea for a dress. Once we graduate, we're going to Diagon Alley with your Mum and James."

"Why James?"

"Because he'll have a fit if he's not there. He had one last night because Sirius and Remus were talking about the wedding without him." Lily shrugged and I smirked at her. "And I know what you're thinking and NO."

"Don't deny it Lils. There's love in the air, you can smell it." I winked at her.

"Suck it, Jade."


"Umm, Vix?" Peter asked once him and the boys entered the room.

"Yes?" I asked not moving from my spot on Lily's lap as we were talking about flowers. "How about yellow or red roses? I don't like white on white."

"What are you two doing?" Remus chuckled and sat across from us.

"Wedding shit." We said in unison.

"I'm still confused." Peter said and sat down next to Remus. Lily sighed and looked at him.


"You both do know that there's a sofa right next to you right?" James laughed.

"We know." Lily shrugged. "This is just easier."

"And more comfortable." I shrugged also and the boys looked at us in question.

"Is there something we should be worried about?" Sirius asked holding a laughter.

"No." We said in unison again.

"Well there was that one time." Lily chuckled.

"In all fairness, we both were shitfaced drunk and I also did that with Marlene." I shrugged.

"I'm terrified to ask." James mumbled.

"Didn't you do that with Dorcas?" Lily asked confused.

"Nope, it was Marls. Don't you remember? 'Jade is making me doubt my sexuality' and Dorcas was the one who woke up your sister with her screaming once it happened and we had to act sober in front of your parents and sister."

"Okay now we need to know what happened." Remus said laughing.

"Things happen when you're playing truth or dare shitface drunk." I shrugged and Lily agreed. "I'll leave the rest to your imagination."

"Oh Merlin's beard." Sirius mumbled looking at me in shock. "You two didn't-"

"We did." We said in unison. "Wait. Did what?"

"I thought I hated when Prongs and Vix did that. But now I hate it when Lily and Vix do it. It terrifies me." Peter said.

"Well you two were drunk, playing truth or dare, and Little Vixen also did that with Marlene. I think there are two things that could've happened and I'm discarding one because reasons. So it has to be the other one." Remus said putting the puzzle together.

"If it is what I'm thinking, then yes. If it's not then no and I don't swing that way." Lily said looking at me.

"I think it's what we're all thinking, Lils. Well except Prongs since he looks so confused." I laughed hysterically at James who was trying to understand what was going on.

"Well now I know to never get them drunk together or else Evans might steal my fiancée." Sirius smirked.

"I won't hesitate." Lily challenged.

"Wait, you don't care?" I asked him.

"Oh trust me, I do care. But given the fact that you two were drunk, are good friends and it happened between you all, then I'm okay with it. I don't count that as cheating because it was all in good fun." Sirius shrugged and Lily and I looked at him in shock. "Calm down you two. It's almost the same as if the boys and I were drunk off our asses and I was dared to kiss Moony. I'd do it because I'm not a bitch."

The Fifth Marauder |Sirius Black (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now