"Hey Meki" Mel hugged him

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"Hey Meki" Mel hugged him

"Hey tete my daddy downstairs my sister sleeping in the car seat and my other sister in the bathroom, Milly left with my sister mommy"

"Okay baby" Mekiah was an over talker

Mel went over and picked up Maya, she was Mickeys youngest daughter with Miya

He had a second to youngest daughter named Mercedes, a new baby mama some female he met at five guys

He had a  second to youngest daughter named Mercedes, a new baby mama some female he met at five guys

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When Mercedes came out the bathroom she ran and hugged Mel "Teee teeee"

"Hey baby girl" Mel said picking her up "Te Te missed you why don't you have on any clothes"

"Hey baby girl" Mel said picking her up "Te Te missed you why don't you have on any clothes"

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"I missed Te Te too, my dada left us here"

"Did he now" Mel asked

"No Te Te him left with uncle Jay too" Mekiah said

"So they left y'all here alone?"

Mekiah nodded

Mel shook her head and went upstairs to wake up Messiah, he was down for his nap long enough

"Siah wake up"

Siah got up and rubbed his eyes "hi mommy"

"Hi baby let's get you washed up so you can play wunt Mekiah"

Messiah jumped up and ran to the bathroom

Mel washed him up and then put him on some clothes

She sat him on the sink and brushed his teeth

"Grill" Messiah said

Mel shook her head and put in his grill

Mel shook her head and put in his grill

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"You so handsome son son"

When Mel went back downstairs she had the whole crew at her shit Major and Mikel popped up too

This was the young generation of their kids, the older ones were too grown

Mel wanted to have another baby to fit in work this group but if Jay wasn't going to act right she wasn't having shit

Mel decided to make the kids lunch

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