gap chapter

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I did this for fun lol. These short dialouges are just out of context events that happened in between chapters (will probably get updated/edited)

*door slam*
P:i have a homework and i need you as a subject

F: why me?

P: because, we're close friends since childhood.

F: well okay

P: so, i have a friend since childhood, and his name is fukase. And uh-

P: fuka, what do you like about yourself

F: good question, nothing at all.

P: ...fukase is very kind and carin-

F: wAIT WAIT WAIT- don't write that! That's pure lies. Here let me help.

*both looks at the laptop*

P : every...thing...

F : short and clear.

P : yeah no, i can't type that. The teacher will think i am talking trash about you.

F : you have my consent, it's alright!

P :

*deletes the text*

F : oh i know!

"he is really g-

"He is good at breathing"


F : no can do sir, i just ate 20 marshmallows at the same time.

P : i am not even gonna question it

F : okay okay, serious. *inhales*

"he is... he- heheheheheheh"

P : lord have mercy

F : *wh e e z e*

P : just- let me do it.

F :ok

P : what do you think about yourself, like what's your personality?

F : i dunno what do you think about my personality?

P : *thinking* -._^.

P : i mean, you're not that good, but you're not that bad...

*types* "he is very-


P : no

F : let me do it, i promise i am serious

P : ok

"he is very|

"he is very ugly|

P : fukase... no

F : *whe e z e*

"He likes playing minecraft"

P : there

F : wait wait let me add more.

"But he sucks at it"

P : he likes playing minecraft but he sucks at it, wow.

F : what? That's more honesty.

P : no *deletes the negative text*

F : then what about "he is very negative and pessimistic"

P : no.

P : also can i get your picture

F : waitwhatwhy *gaypanic*

P : i need your picture for my homework.

F : well okay- makes sense

P : i am just gonna leave that to you, after translating this.

F : you can count it all on me

P : you might need to brush your hair, my teacher is going to see it y'know?

F : nah it's fine

P : suits you then

F : * wheez e*

P : your smile is telling me that you're up to something again

F : nononono- i am taking a picture i swear

P : o k

F : done

P : let me see

* bunch of pictures with filters that covers up the entire face*

P : no

F : but that's my picturE

P : no, how about i take your picture

F : ok fine

P : you sure you still don't want to brush your hair?

F : my face is ugly enough, brushing my hair wont make it anybetter. wAIT YOU SHOULD-

P : no thanks, i got so many pictures anyways

F : awe... *dissapointed noises*

P : i am using these for my homework okay?

F : *scoots over to see the 193782 pictures* dang that's alot of pictures-

P : i only took the ones i like

F : i don't really care lol


Fukase : i realized that my family treats me like their art work
Gumi : that's so sweet <:"D♡
Fukase : they hated every single seconds of my existence
Gumi : why are you like this


O :"Why do you keep patting my head?"

V :"Is it bothering you?"

O :"No?"

*she just keeps ruffling his hair*


O: "Hey piko if you have a wish what would it be? A realistic one i mean"

P :"I don't know...? Probably to make a certain someone feel happy, he's been feeling down lately"

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