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After the Fashion Show...

Sativa was changing back into the clothes that she arrived in, ready to go home. She grabbed all of her belonging and congratulated the people that she needed to for the eventful day.

As she was walking out of the building there were lots of paparazzi, she was practically squeezing her way through people. As she was pushing through the sea of cameras she felt someone grab her arm. Out of panic she turned around forcefully and pushed the person that grabbed her.

"My bad Sativa, I didn't mean to grab you like that, I just needed your attention," the voice said.

When she turned around the face the stranger, she was met with the familiar mop of curly brown hair. Timothee.

Out of embarrassment she looked away quickly and started walking down the street quickly. Timothee soon chased after still trying to advert her eyes to him.

"Sativa, please stop, I really need to talk to you," Timothee said shouting at her to stop walking.

She felt tears starting to burn at her eyes. What could he possible want with her. He broke up with her, not the other way around.

"What do you want Timothee," she gritted her teeth in frustration.

Timothee was taken back by the gesture and stepped back a few to not make her anymore angry than she already was. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry, for believing the rumors about you, I knew you weren't that kind of person, I just-"

"If you knew I weren't that kind of person, why did you break up with me," hot tears were now streaming down her face. She was angry that Timothee even made the effort of apologizing for what he did.

"I turly adored you Timothee, you were my first, we were bestfriends, and you ruined everything for us."

"I know, I know, it's all my fault. But, I really want to make things up, I want you back Sativa, I need you." Timothee expressed trying to pull her into a hug.

"The hell it is your fault, but this isn't a thing anymore Timothee and you made it clear." Sativa snapped. She broke free form his sympathy hug and kept walking to her car.

She drove in silence tonight. Usually she would have aux on, in a great mood. But tonight wasn't the night for her. She was appalled by Timothee's behavior. He was a douche bag. She had never seen him act like that before and it truly broke her heart to see him change like that.

From now on she was steering clear from any relationships until she has herself together first.

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