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Ariana Clarkson is internet addicted.

She's logged on as soon as she gets home from school and logs off only when it's time to go to school, making her straight A's drop to big fat curvy C's.

Ariana's father is sick of this obsession and decides to send Ariana to a camp for the whole summer.

If she doesn't go, he'll cut off their wifi completely and confiscate all her gadgets!

Ariana agrees to go for the sake of her two babies, Mac and Windows.

Laptop, iTouch and blackberry in tow, Ariana heads off to Fairwood United Camp of Kingsley, and finds out that this is no ordinary camp.

Fairwood is a camp founded by Charles Kingsley, a famous poet, for skilled teenagers who excel in arts, dance, music, sports, math, science, and of course poetry.

The first thing Ariana learns at the camp is that Fairwood in acronym is F.U.C.K.

Campers with different talents have activities together, and are mixed together in cabins regardless of talent, but Ariana can't seem to find a place to fit in, seeing as how she doesn't even have a talent, aside from stuff you can do with a computer.

And did I forget to mention, that the camp's wifi connection is password protected and only the counsellors are allowed to use them?

Then there's that poetry-talent boy Aiden. The only person within her age group who knows the password, but doesn't even have an email address!

Ariana will do anything to get that password, but that's not an easy task when you're arguing with someone who has a way with words.

And it seems that the more she gets to know him, the more she's forgetting about getting the password and focuses on getting his heart.

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