Seperate Ways

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"Does it have to do something with me?" He said  starring at you. Making you look up and meet his puppy dog eyes.

Gosh dang it Sam. Don't give me those eyes.

"Stop looking at me like that." You said breaking eye contact with him and walking past him. "What? You didn't answer the question." He said following behind you. You sighed turning around to face him again.

"What do you want me to say Sam? 'I'm tired of you not letting me in?'" Sam gave you a confused look. Shaking his head. "What do you mean?" "What even are we Sam? You treat me like just another chick and don't allow me to help you, you don't let me comfort you and you don't want to talk to me. It's not fair."

Sam swallowed in a guilty manner, his eyes showing remorse. "See? You can't even deny it." You said grabbing your coat and heading to the door with a huff. "Y/n wait." Sam said grabbing your wrist and swiftly pulling you into a kiss. You broke the kiss and gazed into Sam's eyes in surprise. He slid a strand of your hair behind your ear with his hand and whispered. "Thank you."

"You pulled your wrist away and furrowed your eyebrows. "You can thank me when you actually mean it"
You said clenching your jaw and walking out of the motel room, slamming the door behind you.

You slumped down on the floor next to the room door. The midnight wind brushing against your skin and hair, sending chills down your spine. The parking lot was empty, not a single car passing by the road. You grabbed a rock seating beside you and threw it in frustration. You were mad, you knew he had only kissed you to try to make peace with you, but it only made you more upset. Knowing his feelings weren't genuine hurt.

You wrapped your arms around your legs and sit on the floor for a couple minutes until the door next to you opened. You heard the person sigh and sit down next to you on the floor. It was Dean. "Brother being an ass to you again?" Dean said looking towards the road. You wiped your nose with your sleeve. "How'd you know?"

Dean chuckled. "For starters, you slammed the front door pretty hard. China probably heard you." You giggled. "And Sam had this dumb ass look on his face." Dean made a funny face mimicking his brother.

You burst out in laughter, Dean chuckled along with you. "He might be my brother but he shouldn't treat you that way. Come here." Dean gave you a small smile and opened his arms, signaling you to come close so he could give you a hug. You scooted closer to him and gave in, letting him comfort you. Dean smelled really well to your surprise. I mean he had just showered, but he had this musky smell to him with a mix of fresh shampoo and soap. You took in his scent for a moment then let go. Giving him a thankful smile. He winked at you and returned the grin.

"Feel better?" "Much." You nodded. "Alright, Sam should be asleep now, so you won't have to face him if you don't want. Take my bed tonight, I'll take the couch." "Thanks Dean." You sighed relieved. "No problem sweetheart. Now go get some sleep." He nodded. "You too moron." You said hitting him playfully on the shoulder. "You don't have to tell me twice." He chuckled, opening the room door for you and letting you walk in before he did as you both laughed.

Dean was like the older brother you never had. Sweet, protective, someone you can count on, and strong. You knew you were going to miss him, but no thanks to Sam, going off on your own for a while was the best option.

The next morning was mostly quiet. You and Sam avoided eye contact at all costs as the three of you got ready to head out. Dean felt the tension in the room but decided not to make comments. He didn't want to make you more upset or uncomfortable; he knew you wanted silence at the moment.

You stuffed all of your belongings inside your green duffle bag as Sam and Dean both loaded their bags into the trunk of the impala. You could hear them opening the doors of the impala and moving things around outside as you finished. You zipped up your duffle bag and hung it on your right shoulder, walking past Sam as he came back to the room for something he had forgotten. You didn't look back to see what it was, you just headed straight to the back of the car and opened the door to the backseat on the right side of it. Dean gave you a tight smile from the other side, he was resting his arms on the roof of the Impala, waiting on Sam to come out.

You threw the bag inside and slid into the car, sighing as you slumped back on the seat. Even though you were upset, you were excited to see your car again, your maroon 1968 Fast Back Mustang. A beauty of a car. You were always tagging along with the boys so there was no need to use your car ever, so you thought it was a good idea to leave it in a garage while you were with them. You took it out on rides every once in a while so it wouldn't get dusty, but it had been a while since the last time you'd seen it because you were too far from the garage where you had left it thanks to the current case the boys were working on.

Something good had to come out of this mess. You thought to yourself, rolling your eyes.

You looked out the window, spotting Sam making his way back to the impala from the front office of the motel. He probably went to go return the room keys.

"Let's go." Dean told Sam as he joined you inside, Sam making his way around to the right side of the car where he usually sat. You sat right behind him to avoid eye-contact with him and just kind of looked at your lap at he sat down.

You were thankful for the music Dean played as he started the engine of the car, making baby roar to life. The music created less of an awkward atmosphere and distracted you as you sang along in your head to the old songs.

The ride was mostly silent besides the background music, You would occasionally catch Dean checking on you through the rare view mirror, but you just smiled at him then he'd return his eyes back to the road. After about 2 hours of driving, you had finally arrived at the garage. Grabbing your bag and putting it over your shoulder as Dean pulled up.

"Here we are." Dean said bringing the Impala to a stop and turning around to face you. "Thank you Dean." You smiled leaning forward to give him a peck on the cheek. "See you around bucko." You chuckled. Dean tilted his head and smiled proudly to himself. "See ya Samuel." You said in a monotone voice to Sam, not even looking at him as you exited the car. "Take care y/n." Dean smiled. "You too guys." You responded waving one final time and finally walking  towards the garage where your car was. 

You pulled out a set of keys from your jacket and squatted down to unlock the lock keeping the metal gate shut. You slid the lock off place and pushed the gate up in a Swift move. You looked back to see Dean making a "see ya" signal with his hand before starting the impala again and driving away. You formed your lips into a line and watched them drive off, feeling a weight lift off your shoulders as they disappeared into the distance.

"Now, where's my baby?" You said turning your attention back to your car and grabbing the cotton cover that rested on top off it. You pulled it off carefully and revealed your beautiful car looking good as ever. "Hey there Cherry pop." You grinned, grazing your hand over the hood of the car as you made your way to the drivers side slowly, admiring its beauty on the way.

"Let's go hunt some monsters."

The Good In Him  (Crowley X Reader )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora