Chapter Nine - Radio

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Remus was the first to wake up this time, get out of Janus's bed while the snake slept. Remus yawned, making his way to the kitchen and made some yogurt cereal. Remus was still thinking about last night, Did Janus intend to do that?  Was he too tired to have critical thinking skills?  ..No Janus was able to have a conversation for an hour and a half with the lights  a couple months ago when he had two hours of sleep. Remus sighed in annoyance at these unwanted thoughts but it isn't the worst. Janus woke up an hour later, walking out of his room with a laptop and his usual outfit on, his hair was somewhat in his face. "Why didn't you wake me up? I woke up late." Janus pointed to the time on the stove, which read 10:03 AM.  "Calm down, Anus. You deserve to sleep in. Always busting your ass off, we need your anus, Anus!" Remus told him, "Remus. Stop calling me Anus." Janus forced a smile down, "Whatever, Jay." Janus sat down at the table with his laptop and began to type. 

"Noooooo.. Jan, eat first." Remus closed the laptop, Janus groaned, "Remussss I'm busy." He told him, "Food then work." Remus threw some strawberry yogurt at him, "Fuck off." Janus flicked it away. Remus slid it back, "Janus, eat." he said, more stricter. "You cant force me." Remus smirked, "You underestimate me, I will force feed you like an infant child!" Remus grabbed the yogurt and opened it, "Fuck no." Janus shook his head, Remus cackled "Say 'weeeee'" Remus smirked, putting the spoon near his face.

"Holy shit, fine. I'll eat it!" Janus grabbed the yogurt and the spoon, hissing. Remus smiled, "Good." and got some paper and pencil while Janus ate incredibly slow. He hated this. He hated this. He felt gross and  like he gained ten pounds. Remus came back over, "Jay-Jay, you're doing great, okay? I'm proud of you." Remus told him, sitting down. That eased Janus a little, nodding. "T-Thanks.." Janus smiled. After Janus finished it and started working, Remus finally had to ask the question thirty minutes later.

"So, what about the kiss?" Remus asked and Janus looked at him. "I-I don't know. I mean, you kissed back? So I'm guessing you like me too..." Janus responded, Remus nodded frantically, "Of course I do, Snakey. Why wouldn't I?" Remus winked and Janus tinted red, "W-Well, what does this make us?" Janus sputtered,  "I dunno. Probably boyfriends..?" Remus said, suggesting. Janus smiled softly, "Yeah. I like that one.." He anxiously tapped his laptop. It went silent as Remus drew ideas and Janus typed. Remus took a healthy amount of breaks, something Janus taught him. Janus on the other hand, did not. "Jay, take a break.." Remus told him, "..Where we can stay.." Janus mumbled before looking up, "No, I'm fine." Remus somewhat snickered at the first bit, "No. Jay, c'mon. Let's watch a movie or something?" Remus asked, standing up and walking behind him and putting his hands on his shoulder. "I-I... I need to finish this." Janus told him, frowning. "Janus, it's 4:34 PM, and you've been working since 10. Break time! You know this! You told me this!" Remus slightly raised his voice, but not in an angry way. Just a concerned way.

Janus didn't he just looked down, "Nothing at all?" Remus said, with an exasperated expression. "..I'm a liar, aren't I?" He said, barely above a whisper. "Janus, you cant say that! You cant lie about this! Being healthy isn't something to lie over.. You're literally Self Preservation.." Remus sighed, "Mmm.. Sorry." Janus began typing again. Remus rolled his eyes and sat on the couch, putting something on TV. Janus felt a few tear slide down his cheek, only a few. He only made one audible breath. 

He's going to hate you.

You're so annoying.

What a liar.

Fucking liar.

You cant even listen to your own advice.

You just got a boyfriend. He is gonna regret it.

Subconscious always welcomes you with open arms.

He's going to change his mind.

Why even bother? He's going to leave soon.

Janus didn't even realize he was shaking at this point, trembling if you will. Janus tried to steady himself but he obviously failed, he felt tear run down his face. Remus noticed the typing stop and being replaced for what seems like anxious tapping. Remus look to the table and saw Janus trembling, which he got up and walked fast to the table, sitting on a chair near him. "Jay, look at me.. Please?" Janus did not look at him, he was drowning in his thoughts, but suddenly he felt something. Something on his hand. Remus was holding his hand and now rubbing it, which Janus responded by looking at him. "Hey, it's okay. I'm here..." Remus said, in an uncharacteristically but comforting soft tone. Janus tried his hardest to listen to Remus, he was successful. All he could hear was the others voice. 

"S-Sorry." He stuttered, wiping his eyes. "Jay Jay, it's alright. C'mere." Remus opened his arms, Janus hesitantly hugged him. Remus was rubbing his head and hair, "It's okay.. Why did you start, ya know, shaking and crying?" Janus shrugged, "I was thinking you hated me. That you were going to leave. All that shit." Remus sighed, "I'd never. I love you too much, Jan. You will learn that shortly." Remus grinned,  "G-Great. I love you too." Janus smiled, leaning in to kiss him. Remus kissed back, rubbing Janus's back. 

"Now will you take a break?" Remus asked, raising a brow. "...Fine." Janus caved it, "Score!" Remus jumped up, yelling then picking Janus up bridal style, "I totally want this. Do not  let me down!" Janus panickly yelled and lied, as Remus went to the Livingroom, laying down with him on the couch as if he was a cat. "That was so necessary." Janus rolled his eyes, "Good. I intended that." Remus smirked, cupping him. 

Janus had to admit, it was super nice. It was too nice. He felt like it was gonna end soon. Like God was giving him sunshine before a storm- a hurricane if you will. Janus was prepared, but not. He liked being littered with kisses and hugs. He liked being loved. He loved.. loving. It felt sweet.

Sweet like honey, something that he loves.

tbh i wanna change the name from lovesick boys to sweet like honey. tell me what u think

also, i lied. this may be the one chapter im posting for a bit cuz it was mostly written, but im rlly drowsy so if theres any errors dont @ me.thanks

take your meds, get your vaccines, wear a mask, eat please and drink water!!!! i love and am proud of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ɛ>

word count: 1135

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