"I'll take it. So what do we want to do for dinner?" I ask.

"It's up to you guys. I can cook something if you want," my mom said.

"No. Absolutely not," I say.

"Hey. I can cook," my mom said, turning to look at me.

I raise my eyebrow at her.

"Really? Do we want to talk about the crack chicken incident from last year?" I say.

"I'm sorry the what," Harry pipes up, looking shocked and confused.

"Yeah she found this recipe online for something called crack chicken and was all excited to try it and it turned out grey. We ended up getting take out from the Green Leaf."

"Hey I followed the direction. I am convinced the chicken didn't like me."

I look over at her.


"Yeah fine whatever. Where do you want to order from?"

"The Green Leaf honestly sounds kind good not gonna lie," I say.

"I'm okay with that."

"We can get the penne vodka and the cesar salad," I say, turning now to Harry.

"It's amazing. You'll love it."

Harry nods and smiles and my mom and I.

"Sounds good to me," he says.

"Okay. I'll run upstairs and call it in and I need to get out of these work clothes. Paige do you wanna take Harry in like 15 minutes to go pick up the food?"

"Yeah sure mom."

"Okay great," she says as she walks out of the kitchen, taking her drink with her.

"I like your mom," Harry says, pulling me over to him and onto his lap.

His arm wraps around my back and his hands clasp together to keep me close to him. Mine find their place around the back of his neck playing with the loose curls.

"Yeah well she really likes you," I say.

His face displays a look of confusion as he looks back up at me.

"What? I mean I hope so but you haven't even talked to her yet," he says, laughing.

"Well we kinda have this thing where I can just tell how the other is feeling and what their thoughts are. You know. It's the whole only child single parent thing. Living with only each other for almost 21 years, you kinda get the other person's vibes. Also, you have to remember that as lowkey embarrassing as it is I was a fan before we met so she already knew about you and liked you. Kinda."


"Yeah. Her favorite song of yours was Watermelon Sugar."

His eyes widen and he drops his face into his palm shaking his head.

"Oh god," he says with a groan.

"Yeah it was kinda funny when I asked her if she knew the meaning and she had no clue. She found out though. Funniest thing ever."

He leans back in his chair with both hands now covering his face. I don't like when he covers his face. He has such a pretty face. I like to look at it. I pull his hands down and fiddle with our fingers before intertwining them.

"You're fine," I say, letting out a breathy chuckle. I lean forward and place a kiss on the tip of his nose as his bottom lip sticks out in a pout.

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