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The next day

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The next day.

"Hello lady Y/N. I'm back." Thor said smiling at Y/N.

"Oh my lord you're back where did you were this all time?" You asked eating your favorite ice cream and smiling at him.

"I was in Asgard my father will take all his powers so that means tomorrow he won't have any, "Thor said.

"I feel so bad about that," you said.

"But where's Loki?" Thor asked confused and rubbing his head.

"He's probably in his room sleeping." You said nervously because you didn't know if he hasn't escaped.

"Okay, I'll have to tell him that too,  "Thor said and went into Lokie's room.

You were interested in how Loki will react to that. You knew that he had anger issues but you weren't angry at him after what he did to you.

You felt little anger toward warned Thor's father but at the same time, you were sorry for him because he was slowly opening to you maybe he will close up and you wouldn't be friends anymore. Even tho you were on the sofa watching TV while you eat ice cream you could hear every word.

"Brother, I have to talk to you!" Thor said so Lokie could hear him because Lokie tried to ignore him.

"What do you want brother? To take me to Asgard so they can kill me?"Loki answered but not how he talks to you it was more like he was angry and it sounded like he almost knew everything.

"Brother just listen once!"Thor's voice started to be louder. "I was in a mission to our...father and he said that he'll take your powers away...all of them so tomorrow you won't have any."

"How many times do I have to tell you that he isn't OUR FATHER it's yours, you know why?! Because when I was little no one were there for me NO ONE even you forgot about me it was so painful to see how my brother forgot about me slowly?!"Loki yelled at Thor you could hear that in the voice were pain and sadness that you never expected from this chill guy.

"Is that why you wanted to be king?"Thor was in little shook.

"Yes, that's why! At least someone trusts me even you- you don't trust me! Just get the fuck away from me!?" Loki said while hitting his hand on the bed.

That was the first time you hear him curse and you knew that all this time while you started to talk he never cursed. In your eyes, he wasn't just some bad guy he was a normal guy who had a lot of pain in his life.

"REALLY LOKIE?! Who is that person who trusts you?! Who?!" Thor was going closer to Loki. And Lokie saw that so he stand up.

"Thor you've never trusted me! Y/N she trusts me she's the friend that I never had!" Loki was angry. And they started to come closer and closer when you ran into the room.

"THOR! LOKI! Stop this right now" you said. But it was too late they started to fight so you had to use your powers. You started to take hands in front of Loki and Thor while they were fighting and you lifted them apart they started to fly and they stopped fighting because they were far away from each other. Using this much power on two gods you collapsed.

"Loki this is your fault!" Thor yelled.

"I didn't do anything you are the one who started!?"Loki yelled back while lifting you in brides pose. He was scared that you hurt yourself hard.

"Is she dead?"Thor asked Bruce when they took him to his lab.

"No, she isn't she's breathing. She just overused her power she still is trying to find all her powers. She needs to rest." Bruce said and Loki lifted you again and went to your room and put you gently on your bed.

Loki thoughts:
Wow um, she's so adorable when she sleeps I can't take my eyes off of her maybe I should stay. No, I hurt her I'm gonna leave her alone.

He smiled at you while grabbing your blanket and covering you.

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