23 ▪︎▪︎▪︎ I was stained with you and I was surprised at the first feeling I felt

Start from the beginning

"Hey, Sweets." Hyunjin tilted his head as Seungmin avoided his stares and tucked his lips.

Hyunjin patiently waited.

"Hi." Seungmin mumbled, He didn't tell Hyunjin about his exams today, yet he's here and he just assumed he found somewhere in his schedule at home or the school website. At the very least, Hyunjin has brightened up his day. He longs so much for him it hurts.

"You were so good out there. Oh my gosh. You're so beautiful.'' Hyunjin hugged Seungmin tightly, not minding the drenched clothing. Seungmin fought with the mix of sadness and savor the bliss he's experiencing instead, the comfort in his lover's arms. He just hopes it will never end. Seungmin hugged back.

"I love you.'' Hyunjin mumbled as he rested his chin on Seungmin's shoulders. It worked. Thank god, it worked. What Jisung said was right, they should really go out after all this.

He's not mad anymore.  He even got to see him sing his heart out.

Hyunjin and Seungmin stayed like that for a minute, Hyunjin, snuggles up to Seungmin. Lifting him up for a bit playfully.

"You smell like morning, pup. Is that black coffee?" Hyunjin tried to joke around, He should ask, but looking at his boyfriends face earlier, he's like a puppy wanting to hide and so instead prying, he should take care of him and talk when he's comfortable enough.

Hyunjin pulled back and quickly took his hoodie off and put it on Seungmin, pulling the hood on.

"I love you too.'' Seungmin hid behind the hood and whispered.

"Let's get you cleaned up.'' Hyunjin held Seungmin as they head to one of the school's shower area after getting clean change of clothes in the lockers.

Hyunjin waited for Seungmin to finish. The shower room was filled with different kinds of people it wasn't crowded yet it wasn't empty too. Hyunjin noticed a group of men slowly getting a bit closer, encircling him for reasons he doesn't know, it almost seemed like they're slowly barricading him up. His gut feelings is telling him to do something right away without taking too much attention. It's ominous, something isn't right.

"Seungs.'' Hyunjin called out.

"Yes?'' Seungmin answered nonchalantly from the stall as he showers. the therapeutic sounds of the running water contradict every bit of the tension building just outside. the steam filled and soap smelling shower room never felt this dangerous before. It was like deja vu, "What I did to you, is just a normal occurrence here. Sure it was a sick example, but that's how easy it is, Hyunjin." Changbin said to him after admitting he's the reason his scores took a free-fall.

"It's a lesson and warning. Like I said, Jisung has been too kind to you." And it did scare Hyunjin he had to ask Jisung, "You wouldn't do anything to us, right?"

"If i did want play some games with you two, You would instantly know Hyunjin and I would have done it already." Jisung says, "My midterms score can be a setback but it's not something I would have a hard time with. I can just fuck it up while fucking you two up and get it back to rise again." Jisung explained sharply.

"I may have been too kind, because you're not just someone I know, even Seungmin. I grew up with you two."

He trusted Jisung.

One of the men positioned himself in front of Seungmin's stall door. Hyunjin glaring at each, if this is gonna be a fistfight, it's actually better that Seungmin is inside. The number is growing, it wasn't pretty and Hyunjin bit his lips as he cracked his neck.

"We've both been offered a spot in Red, Black...''

The group looked at each other as some stepped back while some of the bystanders inside moved at hearing each color and left and the other whispered.

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