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•{nailea's pov}•
next day
2:25 pm

Nailea: tia thanks for everything you've done for me, you've helped me so much these past few days, without you I wouldn't even be in this world right now, i don't know how you can deal with me crying every time. I love you so much *I said trying to hold back my tears*

Mattia: no need to thank me lea, you know i love you so much too and wouldn't want to see you sad, anytime you want to cry just cry, just let it go, i'll always be there for you, you are a beautiful human bean and deserve to be happy *he said as he leaned in for a hug*

I hugged him back and we both cried a little, we then broke the hug and started laughing

Mattia: let's go out somewhere

Nailea: ok, but where?

Mattia: let's go to the mall, then go eat, and then take some pictures

Naile: i'm down, i'll go get ready then

Mattia: ok me too

35 minutes later

Nailea: k I'm ready

Mattia: me too, let's go

we walked out of the apartment and got in the car

we arrived at the mall

we walked around and bought clothes, shoes, and accessories

Nailea: I need to peepee

Mattia: yeah, me too, let's go to the bathroom

Nailea: ok

I went to the bathroom and so did Mattia

5 minutes later

We got out of the bathroom and walked around the mall for 30 minutes before leaving

25 minutes later

Mattia and I were at chick-fil-a eating our food

We ate and then left

It was now 8:32 pm and we were in the car waiting for Mattia's friends to come get some donuts with us

Nailea: wait tia let's take some pictures

Mattia: down

Nailea: k I'm going to the backseat

I got out of the passenger's seat and went to the back

Mattia took the pictures and I went back to were I was sitting

Mattia: wait let's get out the car because I want to take one outside

We got out of the car and I took his pictures

We both went back in the car and chose the ones we were going to post

We chose the ones we liked and posted it on Instagram

10:43 pm

We arrived back home

Mattia: Lea, let's take a mirror picture together

Nailea: mk

Mattia: i'm going to post it, is that ok with you?

Nailea: yes dummy you better post it
We both laughed

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Ya'll I need to sleep it is 12:00 am right now where I live

Next update will be the pictures they took and tiktokroom😏 almost at 1k reads thank you guys so much for the support, remember to stay safe, also just wanna remind YOU that YOU are beautiful😍

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