"You two do have a lot of history and have known each other for what feels like forever but what about Nylah?" He asks tilting his head

"That's the thing. I like Nylah too but I'm not in love with her... at least not yet. We have a good thing going right now and it's the first time I've actually been interested in someone since Katie" I explain

"But?" He asks me

"But I can't tell Nylah. I don't know what we even are and I don't know how she would react and I just feel a bit stuck between the two" I sigh

"I get you" he respondS

"But if you keep lying you're going to end up worse off and in deep shit" he warns me

"I know. I feel like Katie deserves me to hear her out though. Like I owe that to her at least seen as I never let her explain first time around"

"You're in a sticky one boggo" he says patting my back

"I can't tell you what call to make but I can help" he says smiling

"Thank you, i think you have" I say as I unlock my phone to reply to Katie

Me: hi.. didn't expect to hear from you again. And sure I feel like a talk is long overdue. Are you free now?

I feel it's best if I do this sooner rather than later

[ N Y L A H ]

I'm currently playing say it or shot it with this guy called Josh but goes by the name of Chip who is actually really funny and of course Ethan is playing along too with Simon also deciding to join in

"Favourite porn category" Ethan asks Simon as both Josh and I start laughing together as we are sat next to one another

"Oh easy, hardcore" Simon laughs

"Lads lads I don't like what going on here" chip says laughing

"We have a lady among us" he laughs pointing at me next to him

"Hey!" I say as I lightly elbow him

"Mate she's not a child I'm sure she doesn't mind" Ethan laughs

"Yeah I don't mind, I'd have to agree with Simon anyways, hardcore for the win" I laugh as Simon holds his fist out for a fist bump as Ethan falls into a fit of laughter

I take some more sips of my drink in my cup

This is like my 5th drink now?

[ H A R R Y ]

"Hi" I hear Katie shyly say as I approach her in the bar we always used to go to together

This is where she chose to meet and I haven't been back since we split

It feels weird being in here

"Hi" I say awkwardly and a bit shy as she offers me a drink to which I politely decline

"Look" she says as I take a seat next to her at the bar

"I'm so sorry for what happened" she says looking down at her drink she ordered prior to me arriving

"So was it true?" I ask feeling a lump in my throat form

"Kind of"

"How can it be kind of? You either cheated or you didn't Katie" I say getting frustrated

"I only kissed him once" she says

"Oh so that makes it okay? It was just the once" I say sarcastically

"It's not like I slept with him" she adds and I shake my head tutting

"Who was he?" I ask and she immediately looks guilty

"Who was he?" I repeat this time more angry

"Please don't take it out on him when I tell you-" she begins panicking

"Wait so I know him?" I scoff and she nods

"Oh this just gets better" I spit shaking my head

"It was Will" she says mumbling

"Will? Wait will as in will Lenney, willNE will?" I ask frantically

She bites her lip and nods as she plays around with the coaster sat on the bar

"Unbelievable" I say as I get up off the chair with my hand over my mouth

I honestly feel sick

"Please Harry sit down" she pleads trying to get me to sit back down with her

"Why?" I say feeling a rush of emotions

"Why did you do it?" I ask

"I don't know. I was very drunk. We both were. Please Harry I loved you and I still do. We have known each other for too long to end it like this" she explains and I stay silent

"I've tried to move on with other people but none of them are like you Harry" she says smiling

"This feels wrong" I say as I back away from her as I think of Nylah

"It's that girl isn't it?" She asks me looking pissed off

"What girl?" I ask

"Nylah. I remember when we were together you were crushing over her and even though she was so out of reach then I was still so jealous" she says sighing

"She's lovely" I reply as I smile thinking about her but then I feel sudden regret

I left her at the party to come and talk to my ex and she doesn't even know

"I'm sure she is. She's One of the top models right now, don't blame you" she replies

"I just can't believe after all that time of her being your celeb crush you're now with her. It hurts to see the pictures you know? I've seen them all online" she says as she gets off her chair to move closer to me

"Yeah well I should be with her right now I should've never come here" I say as I push her away from me and begin to walk out but she follows behind me

"You left her to come see me. Surely that means something" she says behind me

"It means nothing" I snap

apartment block (w2s wroetoshaw) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora