But that was before her.

She may have become accustomed to some of the odds and ends of his world, but she was far from used to dodging bullets and having to think in terms of life and death for every single design down to the timing of a trip to the grocery store. Aside from his presence her world was painfully normal. 9 to 5 job, friends, family, nice house, weekend shopping trips and mountain retreats for holidays. That predictable routine was an open invitation for the people who would be coming for them. And while it was his fault that she was now in the line of fire, there was no going back now.

It was only because he'd gotten all this information from the hackers after she'd left to meet her author that he allowed her out of the house. Had he known beforehand she wouldn't have gone more than a few feet from his side, his promises from the night before be damned. Finn was the least of his concerns now; timing may well have bought the bastard a temporary free pass.

Ordinarily he would have gone to pick her up from the cafe himself, but in addition to everything else they'd learned they'd also been able to get a lead on a local hacker who'd been working with Spearhead. Wanting to interrogate him, Kylo had sent Vicrul to pick up his girl, knowing she was the most comfortable with him after they'd spent a few days together. And Vicrul, to his credit, didn't make any jokes this time around. He simply grabbed his stuff and walked out the door.

Knowing she was safe - or as close as she could be - he, Trudgen, and Kuruk went after the hacker while Cardo, Ushar, and Ap'lek began making arrangements for their inevitable departure.

The Spearhead hacker lived only about thirty miles away from where they'd been in a run down apartment complex that looked like it hadn't seen attention since the 60s. Apparently his employers didn't find him skilled enough to pay him decently. Granted he didn't have high hopes for the man - Timmy Carter, 36, tragically without an alarm system - he was obviously low on the totem pole with the organization and likely he wouldn't know much, but it was too good an opportunity to pass up in the event he knew something.

After doing a quick survey of the building and disabling the two pitiful security cameras Trudgen silently picked the flimsy lock and the three of them were standing in Timmy's dingy living room in seconds, watching him from behind as he typed furiously on his laptop, facing the opposite wall with a large pair of headphones perched on his head.

It was almost sad how easy it was.

They had him off the chair and pinned to the ground in seconds, Kylo's boot pressing against his throat while he flailed uselessly beneath him. For a man nearing middle age he looked like an overgrown teenager with a baby face and a stained Pokemon tee shirt. The fact that he pissed himself the second Kylo's gun was trained on his forehead didn't help add to the maturity image, either.

"Please! I didn't do anything!" He wheezed, pushing desperately against Kylo's boot to no avail. The sheer terror in his eyes was all the proof of guilt they would ever need; it wasn't the expression of an innocent man pleading for his life but rather a guilty one who realizes his number was finally up.

Applying a little more pressure as he leaned down, Kylo narrowed his eyes dangerously, "You know if I were as close to suffocating as you seem to be, I would be a little more honest, Timmy." Just to drive the point home he stepped down hard enough to elicit a panicked choke.

Behind him Trudgen and Kuruk searched through his computer and files, careful not to disturb anything or leave fingerprints. If this ended the way they intended, a ransacked apartment wouldn't fit the narrative they would leave behind for whoever found the body, no doubt days after they were gone.

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