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IVY HAD HER HEAD pressed on the car's window as she watched kids walk back and forth from their own cars to the front doors of the school. Some wandered over to their friends and others went straight into school. Meanwhile, she sat beside her mother listening to 80s rock songs that she knew from Johnny. It was part of their training, their first lesson; Miguel went down a rock rabbit hole though Ivy took her since since most songs she'd heard from her parents. She remembered the night they stayed up downloading demo's and finding out multiple bands that they'd never thought they'd enjoy.

In that moment, she saw Dimitri waddle out of his moms car and avoid contact with Ivy. He'd clearly seen her, but he did his avoid trick that she'd picked up on when they were friends. It was still undecided whether he wanted her to be around, signs pointed to no so she did what she did best and stayed out of the way. Hawk was no longer on her good side, again, and she was sure he knew so. It made her even sadder; her two best friends who knew each other better than anyone were now strangers and competing over something so stupid, so simple. She didn't recognize them anymore. She didn't know how to help without making it worse; helping Dimitri meant being enemies with Hawk, helping Hawk meant betraying Dimitri.

Karate was once fun, once a place for her to let out some anger and stress, a place where kids went to to stand up to their bullies. Now, those kids were the bullies. Johnny had done enough damage with his Be A Badass brand but Kreese made them dangerous, evil and reckless. Nothing was the same anymore.

"Come on, mija, it's time." Veronica patted her kids leg, giving it an encouraging squeeze.

"I don't want to go in there, Ma."

"Boys will come and go."

"So will school," Veronica chuckled, "I can drop out and work then come back in a year when everyone graduates. I can pay bills and you can work less hours."

"I know you don't want to see Miguel but if you avoid him, it won't solve anything. You have to talk to him about it."

"I can't."

"You can tell Dimitri then. You two are still friends, right?"

No wanting to bother her mom with any more bad news, she nodded. "yeah, he is."

"Call me if you need anything, mija. You know you can count on me."

Waving to her mom, she turned around and walked up the front stairs. It didn't look any different than before but it felt much different; some waved to her and complimented her outfit while others shot her mean looks. She'd never felt so out of place, not in so long. It was like freshman year all over again, except this had nothing to do with a rumor but all to do with karate. The thought made her want to laugh, but no more than a puff of air left her nose.

Tory walked up to her and gave her a hug, as she had been doing since they left the party last night. It started to become annoying but Ivy didn't say anything. It was nice to know she had a friend in her corner.

What she didn't know, was the little plan Tory had planned throughout the morning.

"I know you told me to not ask but I have to," Ivy groaned internally, "how are you feeling? I haven't seen him but if I do I'll be the first to kick his ass!"

"I'm fine and I haven't seen him either and you don't need to kick his ass. I have to talk to him, whenever that is." Ivy took her books out and put away some extra notebooks she wouldn't need until after lunch. Tory stayed quiet and watched her, which then became a hand on the back.

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