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"AND HE SAID THIS can be a nice place for you to dance and meet all of Rachel's family. I know she wants you involved with them too, if it were me, I wouldn't be too thrilled but hey, I am not perfect either." Ivy nodded as her mom took a sip of her martini. She could hardly understand over the slurs and hiccups, but she simply nodded to avoid an argument.

"I don't know, sounds uncomfortable."

"Oh, don't be so annoying."

Ivy nodded and looked at the door as someone knocked. She stood up and opened it, "hey." Aisha stood with her hands behind her back.

"Hey, come in."

"No, uh, I wanted ask you for a favor. I know I haven't been the best friend but there's something I need to do. So, are you free?"

"Uh," Ivy looked at her mom and sighed, "I'm free."

IVY LOOKED AT the windows and then at Aisha, "and you're sure about this?" Ivy had a bad feeling, after the dance, Aisha found posters about a karate dojo called Cobra Kai, one that Ivy was now familiar with, and wanted to come check it out after reading the website. Ivy knew Miguel trained there but had never thought anything of it until now, she definitely didn't want to see him beat the shit out of Aisha or hear Johnny laugh, the poor girl had had enough bullying in the last three days to traumatize for the next three years.

"Yes, Ivy, I'm sure. I - I need this. I don't want to be a pushover anymore and want to show all those people that I have fight in me too," Aisha looked at Ivy for support, "you could use it too. I know you're snarky but maybe throwing in a few punches won't be so bad." Ivy never was a physical fighter, her dad had forbid her from ever putting her hands on others — during her second grade dance recital to some Michael Jackson song, a kid pulled her hair and Ivy didn't hesitate to swing on him until a teacher peeled her away from him. Her dad didn't live it down for another year, swearing he'd throw her books and toys away if she ever did it again.

"Fine, if you insist!" Ivy sighed dramatically.

Aisha smiled and led the way to the dojo. Ivy's heart beat fast, she knew she didn't need to go and start training but she also wasn't sure if she would feel fine with leaving Aisha alone in there with Johnny. Surely Johnny was nice to Ivy the first couple of minutes when they were helping Miguel, but the ride to her house was a different story — Ivy didn't live in a place like Johnny's where the water was murky and the fountain smelled like piss, so when she started to give him directions, he complained about her being a rich kid and how he knew she was like them. Who is them, she asked, but instead of an answer, she got a scoff.

Once the door opened, it slammed closed, Ivy jumped and looked ahead at Johnny, "what the hell? No yoga till five," he looked at Aisha, "no matter how badly you need it." Ivy's mouth fell but Aisha stood in front of her.

"Um, I'm actually here for karate. I saw your website. It said that there was supposed to be a session today." Aisha's voice was still timid as it had been since she was small, but Ivy didn't feel as scared since her friend didn't back down and walk away, something Ivy was sure she would do.

"I appreciate you coming in but there are no girls in Cobra Kai." Johnny dismissed them at once, not looking for another second.

"Why not?" Aisha frowned.

"Same reason women there aren't in the Army.
Doesn't make sense." Miguel sighs and shakes
his head at the stupid comment he made, now looking at Ivy who's face twisted.

"Or maybe it's because of assholes like you who have that mindset, making it hard for women to —"

"Uh, Sensei, I need to show you something in the office." Miguel didn't let Ivy finish her sentence that everyone, but Aisha, probably, knew would be followed by Johnny cursing her out, though she didn't mind. The look on his face was hilarious.

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