The inconveniencing {Part.4}

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Pa: "There is one thing. Do you know any funny little dances...?"

Dipper: "Uh... is there anything else I can do...?" He nervously asked.

Pa: "NOOOO!!" He angrily screeched as he lit himself on fire.

Dipper: "OKAY OKAY OKAY! Um... Well, I do know......" He hesitantly started once again.

Dipper: "...the Lamby Lamby Dance. Bu-but I can't really do it, without a lamb costume!" He reluctantly said as he folds his arms; happy to be out of the situation.

However, Pa snaps his fingers and Dipper is in a lamb costume.

Dipper: "Oh, well... there it is..."

Dipper then takes a deep breath and starts singing the Lamby Lamby Dance.

Dipper: "🎶 Wellll...
Who wants a Lamby lamby lamby? I do! I do! So go up and greet your Mammy mammy mammy! Hi there! Hi there! So march march march around the daisies......🎶"

Pa: "Yes, Yes! More! MORE!" He joyfully demanded.

Dipper: "🎶Don't don't don't you forget about the babies!🎶" He marched while singing.

He then winks while sweating.

Pa: "That was so fine, girly dancin' boy! Your friends are free..."

Dipper is then poofed back into his normal clothes.

Dipper: "Well I don't think you have to worry about us coming back, so......"

Ma and Pa then disappear and allow everything to fall back to the floor; freeing the other trapped teens in the process.

Mabel: "Ugghh... I'm never gonna eat or do anything ever again..." She groggily uttered.

Dipper: "Hey!" He shouted as he picks up a package of Smile Dip.

Dipper: "...there's still some left!"

Mabel then slaps it out of his hand.

Mabel: "EVIL!" She exclaimed.

Lee: "What—what happened after everything went crazy...?" He asked Wendy.

Wendy: "You are not going to believe it! The ghosts appeared..." She laughed.

Wendy: "Dipper had to......" She the turned and saw Dipper looking at her with a conflicted look.

Wendy: "... Uh, and uh, Dipper just grabbed a bat, and just started beating ghosts down, left and right, and the ghost got all scared, and ran away like a couple of little girls, it was insane!" She lied to the others.

Nate: "Alright! Dr. Funtimes!" He cheered.

Wendy then turns to Dipper and zips her lips and Dipper does the same after.


Everyone except Dipper, [Y/N] and Wendy sleeping in the van.

Wendy: "Well, I'm probably scared for life..." She uttered.

Dipper: "Yeah, that was pretty crazy..."

[Y/N] then chuckles.

[Y/N]: "I know right..."

Wendy: "I think I'll go stare at a wall for a while and RETHINK EVERYTHING. Hey, next time we hang out, let's stay at the Mystery Shack. Okay...?"

Dipper: "Next time? Yah! Let's, let's hang out at the Shack! Yeah......"

[Y/N]: "I'm fine with whatever, as long as it's fun and life risking!" He joyfully exclaimed.

Dipper gets in the car as [Y/N] does the same after.

Dipper: "Next time......" He muttered and sits next to Mabel. Mabel groans as she sees the thing that she wrote earlier.

Mabel: "What kind of sick joke is this...?"

The car drives away from the store, and the lights go out in the store.


Stan: "Ah, the wedding. I've waited so long for this. Oh, look at her in that dress!" He angrily shouted with joy as people on the TV gasp.

Stan: "... Count Lionel? What's he doin' here?!" He angrily shouted.


Count Lionel: "I've come to reclaim my bride!"


Stan: "You had your chance at the cotillion, you!"


Man: "You had your chance at the cotillion, you!" He exclaimed.


Stan: "That's what I'm SAYING! UuuaaaAAAAGGGHHH!!" He cries.

Outside, Dipper, Mabel and [Y/N] are walking to the door. The television flies out the window and hits [Y/N].

Stan: "Uh, couldn't find the remote..."



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