I got hired by a phychopathic 1000 year old vampire but at least im employed

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Location: ROUSSEAU'S

"I'm so hungry." Samira pouts, a hand on her stomach. She sat at one of the tables in the bar, eyeing the menu and trying hard not salivate. Some people might be weirded out by a stranger drooling over their food.

"Hi, are you ready to order?" Samira pulled her gaze from the delicious menu to see a blonde waitress. She sat up in her seat. Wow she's so pretty. She glanced at her name tag 'Cami'.

"Miss?" She had her notepad and pen ready.

Focus, Samira. She said to herself.

"Um yeah, I'll have the pancakes with hashbrowns and hot chocolate please." Handing the menu over, the waitress said the meal would be ready soon and retreated. Samira slumped back into her seat and looked longingly at other customers food. Good thing I keep cash on hand I don't know if my card will work in the world. Hey system?

Yes, host?  A strange robotic voice sounded in her head.

Does my card work in this world? Like do I have records here?

Everything has been transferred including birth records. I have arranged everything for your transition into this world.

Samira who was startled by the sound was about to ask when the system interrupted her.
Host the target is within 5 meters, get ready.

Wait what? Klaus is here? Just as she was thinking of high tailing it out of there, her food arrived. Her eyes locked on to the fluffy stack of pancakes, two giant hash browns and the sweet hot chocolate that beckoned her like a siren at sea. She was only human. Thus her fate was sealed.

"Here you are. Please enjoy." She smiled. Samira nodded. The waitress- Cami turned around and started wiping down tables. A few second passed and in walked Klaus Mikaelson. He headed straight for Cami, a smirk playing on his lips.

Damn, he fine.

The original was tall, way taller than her own 5'3" and his presence commanded respect. He had brown hair, cut short but it was curly. It would be so pretty long. The stray thought slipped out. He had a stubble. His lips were very alluring. He looked very kissable.

"Hello,Cami." Like his handsome looks, Klaus had a very attractive voice. it's was raspy and and smooth like melting honey. Fuck. Even his voice is sexy. Can you be sexually attracted to a voice? Cuz fuck me. And his accent, what the fuck. While Samira was a blushing mess, Klaus was flirting with Cami.

Ignoring her beating heart, Samira turned her attention back to her meal but kept an ear open to listen in on their conversation.

"Well that's how compulsion works, love." He was leaning closer now. Samira poured syrup over her fluffy golden pancakes and the first bite felt like heaven in her mouth. She couldn't help moaning at the taste. She glanced around, hoping no one had heard but there was no sign that anyone did. Letting out a sigh of relief, she turned her attention to the golden brown hash browns that were calling to her. Distracted as she was, she failed to notice that Klaus had heard it with his super hearing and the original's lips crooked up slightly.

A few minutes passed. Samaria leaned back in her chair, hand over her stomach. She was full. "That was so good I feel like I'm pregnant with twins." She closed her eyes with a content smile.

"I don't think that's how biology works,love." Enters sexy British accent.

"And if I give birth to pancake babies then what- Oh my" Samira opened her eyes to see THE Klaus Mikaelson sitting across from her, a smirk playing on his lips.

How I tamed Klaus Mikaelson // Klaus Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now