Chapter 30

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It took some time for Darcy and Elizabeth to make their entrance, as they were stopped several times by greetings from people whom they had not yet seen. After several promises to speak further after the dancing was started, they finally arrived on the dance floor.

Elizabeth called a country dance, hoping to include as many dancers as possible. Partners fell into line on either side of the Darcys and the music began to play. Elizabeth kept her steps simple; it might have seemed that she was doing so out of consideration for the younger and less experienced dancers, but it was really because she had never called the dance for such a large group before, and she was terrified of making a mistake. After several minutes without incident, she was able to relax and actually began to enjoy herself.

After they completed their dance, Elizabeth looked at Georgiana, who was dancing with Colonel Fitzwilliam, to call the dance. Georgiana took over the calling with great delight, and Darcy and Elizabeth returned to speaking with their guests. Most of them were lovely and were very interested in meeting and speaking to Elizabeth. She got the sense that a few of them still considered her to be below their notice, but she was not especially bothered by it; after all, she was the mistress of Pemberley now.

A well-dressed couple that Elizabeth had not met before stepped in front of them.

"My dear, allow me to present His Grace the Duke of Worthingham and his wife, Her Grace the Duchess of Worthingham. Your Graces, this is my wife, Mrs. Darcy."

Elizabeth curtsied deeply, as was befitting their station. It also gave her a moment to inspect the couple. The Duke was clearly much older than his wife. He was very stout and had pronounced jowls and hair that was nearly white. The Duchess, on the other hand, was dressed very stylishly. She was at least twenty years his junior, and wore a gorgeous ivory gown with a sheer overlay, and there was a large matching feather in her striking black hair. She looked at Elizabeth with heavy-lidded brown eyes and smiled.

"You are simply delightful, Mrs. Darcy!" she said with a smile that did not reach her eyes. "We thank you for the invitation."

"You are very welcome at Pemberley," said Elizabeth, although she did not especially mean it. She was instantly on her guard; Elizabeth had met several people who were dismissive of her since her wedding, and the Duchess showed all the signs of being that sort of person.

The Duchess sighted someone across the room, waved to them, and excused herself. The Duke also excused himself, but went to find a seat rather than accompany his wife.

"How do you know them?" she asked Darcy.

"Just through social engagements," said Darcy. "Especially in my younger days, Her Grace was often at the same parties and balls that I attended."

"Only Her Grace?" I asked.

"Well, His Grace was often there as well, but he normally finds a place to settle for the evening, while she is much more active," he said. "I believe that it is the nature of the difference in their ages. It does not seem to bother either of them overly much."

Elizabeth was not comforted by the fact that the Duchess often socialized on her own, without her husband. There was something about the way that the Duchess looked at both Elizabeth and Darcy that unnerved Elizabeth. She made a note to ask Georgiana about the Duchess later.

Elizabeth looked about to see if she could find Georgiana, but spied the Colonel instead. He was no longer dancing with Georgiana, but rather with a pretty blonde woman. They were smiling widely at one another as they went through their steps. Elizabeth watched them for a few moments, pleased that they seemed to be enjoying one another's company. She might have watched them for longer if it had not been for the footman who came to tell her that she was needed in the entrance hall. She quickly went to see what the trouble was.

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